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My nerves showed throughout the beginning of the date. I had been twisting the same bunch of pasta on my fork for the past five minutes.

"Why don't you tell me more about your dad?" Jace asked. I think he was trying to distract me from my nerves, which I really did appreciate. "What did he do as a job?"

"Uh, he was a truck driver," I told him. "Not the big type of stuff where they drive to other states or anything, though, so he was always home at four o'clock."

Jace nodded along as I continued to talk about how I would wait for him by the door every day. I felt like I was rambling on a little bit, but Jace didn't seem to mind. I didn't get the chance to talk about my dad much, so it was nice.

"What about your family? What are they like?" I had never heard him talking about them before, besides the time when he told me he was driving his brother's car. I hadn't met them either, so I knew nothing about them.

He swallowed the forkful of fish that was in his mouth before answering. "Well, my parents are still together. They met at University," He said, taking a sip of water. "Mum is a stay at home mum, and dad is a mechanic."

I nodded along to his explanations and found out that along with an older brother, he has an older sister as well. She's a massage therapist, and married her boyfriend two years ago.

Besides the fact that he got married six months ago, I didn't find out much about his brother. I got side tracked when Jace mentioned that he had been working on the Impala for years.

I kept on asking questions about the car and we were soon off of the topic of his brother, and instead discussing the television series which made me fall in love with that type of car in the first place.

"How about we order dessert now?" Jace asked when he finally had a chance to speak. I flushed red in embarrassment and simply nodded my head.

"If you like chocolate, they have a whole specialised menu just for the chocolate desserts," he said. "It's brilliant."

I looked over the top of the menu I was holding and watched as his eyes moved from side to side, scanning the page. His eyes were almost the exact same colour as the brown leather that covered the outside of the menu.

I found myself getting distracted by watching them flicker from side to side. I started wondering why people were so in love with blue and green eyes. Jace's dark brown ones were just as beautiful and mesmerising.

When he snapped the menu shut and placed it back on the table, he asked what I was getting. I quickly looked down at the own menu and blurted out the first thing I saw.

"The chocolate lava cake, I think." There was a little skip in my speech and I took a sip of water to play it down as something being stuck in my throat.

I looked around the small restaurant to make myself look busy. I was trying to hide the fact that I had just been staring at him, but I'm not sure how well I was doing.

I almost dropped my glass of water when I spotted Jaxon sitting at a table on the other side of the room. He had another guy with him, probably on a date. My breath caught in my throat and my eyes were hurting from being so wide.

He was talking animatedly and laughing, but his laughing ceased when he spotted me across the room. At first he grinned, clearly happy to see me, but the grin didn't last for long because he saw Jace sitting across from me.

He held up a finger to his date signalling one minute, and stood up. He was on his way over and I gave him a small smile and wave.

Jace saw where I was looking. "Uh-Oh, he said. He knew that this was the last thing I wanted to happen. He knew that I wanted Jaxon to find out from me telling him, not from seeing us out together on a date.

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