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I picked up one of the glasses of water that was on the table, and took a sip, in an attempt to calm myself down. It was definitely not the best idea that I've ever had. I could feel the water making it's way down my throat, and moving around in my empty stomach, making me feel more nauseous. The amazing smell of the fresh food that was laid out on the medium sized, wooden table, did not make me feel any better.

I got a horrible pain in my throat due to holding in my sobs. Apparently my date was a mannequin. Probably once used in a fashion outlet, now it's use was the embarrass me to no end. 

It was all a prank. There was no date, no fun, and no Micah. I felt incredibly stupid, and couldn't believe that I fell for it.

Jaxon's bad feeling was right all along, and I guess that the bad feelings I was having just outside the apartment building should have been one of my biggest clues. I didn't have bad feelings for no reason, and now I wish that I had gone with my gut and just went home instead of ignoring it.

The only thing that would make this night worse for me right now, would be if Micah appeared. I couldn't hear any rustling or shuffling about in the apartment so I gathered that I was alone with my charming date. At least he would listen and not hurt me. 

On the table, in a bouquet of flowers that was placed in the middle, was a small card. When I first saw it, I thought it was a poem, or a small romantic note. However, when I picked it up, and opened it with shaky fingers, the blur in my eyes from the unshed tears did not prevent me from reading the taunting words written inside.

We hope you enjoy your date. Sorry that I couldn't make it, I just didn't see the point in wasting my time with someone as pathetic as you. Besides, Jenny thought it would be funny, and she's quite right. Have a fun night, and don't worry, your date doesn't bite.

Micah and Jenny.

So Jenny was in on this. It was probably her idea in the first place. No idea how she knew that I liked Micah. Then again, I have seen her talking to Rosie a couple of times, so that's probably how she found out. 

Damn Rosie and her loud mouth. She doesn't seem to have a filter between her brain and mouth, letting her know what is and is not okay to say out loud to just any random person.

It's no wonder both Jenny, and Micah, were acting weird at work this morning. They've had this planned all along, and just couldn't hold in their snickers and arrogant smirks.

I looked at my surroundings. The flowers on the table were so beautiful, and the food looked, and smelled fantastic. I was starving, but there was no way that I was going to eat any of it. I'm not desperate enough to do that. Besides, if I did, I would never hear the end of it when Micah realised.

I wish that this was all true, and that I could experience it, and sink it all in. It was almost perfect, and I would probably never have a date like this. Even if my 'date' was a dummy, everything else was exactly how I imagined my first date to be. 

The permanent smile on the mannequin's face was taunting me, and I finally allowed the sobs to escape. I hardly ever cried, but I was incredibly embarrassed, and just couldn't hold it in any more. I felt pathetic, and my confidence levels dropped dramatically. It was like high school all over again. Some people grow older, but they don't grow up. Micah was obviously one of those people, and I was ashamed to be one of his victims.

I took out my phone, and scrolled through my short list of contacts. When i found Jaxon's name I touched my screen and selected his number. Just as my finger touched the screen, I decided not to call him, and hung up immediately. I already ruined one of his dates last night, and I was not going to do it again. That wouldn't make me a very good friend, and with everything that he has helped me with recently, he deserved to have a good night. 

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