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Copyrighted. © 2012 Alyssa Robinson. All Rights Reserved.


Ashlyn Bristol, that's all I was; just a name, nothing spectacular to boast about, no real achievements for anyone to be proud of. I found myself to be the average looking girl, I wasn't amazingly smart. The only real thing that I found interesting about myself as my seemingly endless ability to be creative.

I didn't really have anywhere that I wanted to be in my life. No specific goals. I was like a feather floating around in the wind. Changing paths and directions on a whim. No one knew where I was going, or where I had been.

For a while I didn't have anyone keeping me grounded. Encouraging me to choose a path and stick to it. I used to, but he's gone now.

When it's a person who is making you feel caged in your own life, the feeling get's much worse. Especially when it's your mother making you feel that way. The one person you have left in the world and she's supposed to be the one to convince you and encourage you to be free, to make your own decisions and mistakes. To do what you want to do, instead of what other want you to do.

Sometimes you need help from someone who isn't involved. Someone that can make you feel the way you want, and deserve, to feel. Sometimes you need to do things for yourself instead of for others. Everyone needs a person to show them this and show them how.

The only person I had to do this for me is gone now. Everything changed when he left us. My mother went in to a depressed state, and became emotionally and mentally abusive. I gave up on everything in my life, and now I have no idea what I'm doing.

I finally found that person again. Unfortunately, it wasn't allowed to be him. I didn't even know if our relationship would last.

We both were studying at the same time, I was emotionally and mentally drained, and found it hard to trust guys. I had money and time problems, and an alcoholic mother. 

We have a lot of obstacles to over come, but our relationship did last. It definitely had it's ups and downs, but with a little patience, we both made it work.

He changed me, and my life. We managed to keep our relationship a secret from everyone around us. If we ever got caught being in a relationship then we would be in big trouble. So a lot of sneaking around and lying was involved.

Things were going great. Until he left me. 


So this is my first multi-chapter story that isn't a fanfiction. I actually got the basic idea for this story from  @krysta3434 and my mind just went wild from there with tons of ideas so thank you to her.

All comments are welcome, good and bad as long as they are helpful and not hateful. I would love to know what you think :)

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