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The half white mask guy walks by me and over to the cells, "Your next," he hissed at the women in the cell. I felt panick hit me. In the corner where I am sitting I look over at the half mask guy. He undid the lock of the women's cell. The mask guy looks over to where I am sitting, "This is what happens when you get in the way with my plans," he hissed. 'What does he mean by that?' I wondered. Then with a bang I remember this women she worked in the arrow head stall. 'She is here because of me!' I felt panick hit and horror struck me realizing she must of stood up for me at the stall when the half mask guy punched me. I remember her yelling and shouting at him and... that was all that I could hear before I blacked out.

"No!" I yelled which made the mask guy walk over to me and kick me in the stomach. I fell to the ground, clutching where he kicked me. I look up from the floor as the half guy walks into the cell. 'I can't let this happen!' not doing anything is a scummy thing to do.

“No!” I shouted at him while on the ground, “Don’t kill her! I will do anything just don’t kill her!” the mask guy looks over at me while having the women flung over his shoulder and her child crying telling him to leave mommy alone. I don’t want that child to lose her mother for my sake. “Please,” I beg, sitting up. Looking at the horror on the women’s face I couldn’t stand it and looked away, “don’t take her life because of my sake.”

“She was in my way of getting you. This is what happens when you interfere with a kidnapper. She needs to learn.” he walked over to the cage. The child was dragging on his boot while screaming and crying. “Can someone take this damn child off of me!”

“Yes boss,” one of his guys said. The girl kicks him while he was trying to grab her. The other guy of his had to come and help. They got the kicking girl off of their boss’ boot and put her back in the cell where she kept screaming. Begging for her mother.

I ran over to the mask guy, “Please! I beg of you let her go!” he stops and looks over at me. The women did too. Hope filling her eyes as they look at me but fear still strikes behind them. “I lost someone already for my sake,” I felt hope as he listens, “don’t make me feel that pain again.”

I couldn’t tell the expression the guy was making or emotion if he had any for the mask was covering them. For the longest time his mask was staring at me. It felt like he was peering into my soul. I kept my eyes on him. Waiting for him to let the women go. “Very well,” he says dropping the women hard on the floor. I knelt over her. She looks at me with a grateful smile while tearing up.  Kick! I groaned on the floor as the mask guy’s foot went right into my chest. “If you ever interfere with my work again this foot will only be a picnic for you,” he hissed, “guys!” he shouts, “take this guy to the room!”


“Yes sir,” I kick them as they got close to me. The mask guy walks over to me and kicks me in the chest twice. I groaned from the pain and I couldn’t breathe well. The women runs back to her cell begging for entrance. His 2nd man opens the cell and flung her inside and locks it. I watch her as she grabs her child, crying. 

The room they brought me too looked like a bedroom. I was flung over the mask guy’s shoulders. My hands tied in the back. He told the guys to leave us alone. They obeyed. I was flung on the bed. ‘What is he going to do with me?’ I wondered while panicking.

"Why am I here?" I said calmly but my innerself was frightened and angered.

 "I have my reasons," he hissed. He caught my ankle as I try to kick him, "your kicks are useless to me," he sneered. 

 "Worth a try," I murmured.

 He tied me to the bed post. 'What reasons do you have to do this too me!" I spat angrily and confused.

 "Your father," he says simply like it was simple to understand. He rips my shirt with his hands "Don't ask questions cause I won't answer them. I have my reasons," he grabbed something from the floor. I panicked when I realize it was a whip. I shook my head, "you have a choice either your stomach or your back?"

"Why are you doing this to me! If my father is the cause of this then why not him!"

The mask guy grunts in annoyance and pulls open his night stand drawer. Showing me a notebook, "You are on the list." he flips the notebook to the 2nd page. Confused at what he meant by  the list though my questions were sort of answered when he spoke as I look at the stick figures. On one of the pages my name was on top of one of the stick figures that I guess he drew and next to my name had the number 2 written down, "I have my reasons for this list of people and their families. I want them all to suffer. That means your next on your families list. Your mother is dead so I can't do anything to her-"

"How do you know about my mother!" I snapped with anger. How dare he mentions my mother like that.

"I have my reasons to know. Your father disappeared so I can't do anything to him right now but I will swear to this that ones I do find your father he will die the way that man died in the tiger's lair. Till I find him I will have fun with his son," he hissed at me. "You wouldn't happen to know where he is would you?" 

I looked away, "No."

"What's your choice. Back or front? Either way I will use this whip on you," he showed me the whip. The handle was purple as the rest of it was black.  I turn my body around so my back was facing him making the ropes on my wrist tighter from turning. He ripped the rest of my shirt off and dropped it on the floor. My back was bare to him. I was confused on why this is happening to me. Confused on why he wanted my father. Confused on why he kidnapped me. I gritted my teeth in pain when the whip slashed on my skin. I kept calm I didn't want to show weakness to a stranger that  is making me suffer. The whip stung my flesh till I could feel my blood dripping from my back, dripping on the sheets. I didn't look at him or the whip. All I want is for the pain to stop. To go back home where I belong with my cruel aunt and loving uncle who thinks of me as his own son. My sister who I miss very much. Wanting to be with Lucy my girlfriend. I want to hold her. I want her to hold me. Telling me that it will be ok that we could run away together and not have to deal with pain and suffering any longer. That we would be safe in eachother's arms.

I close my eyes as I gritted my teeth, 'Why is he doing this to me?' the whipping stopped. I look over my shoulder as he dug painfully inside my skin with his nails. His fingers dripping with my blood as he showed me his hand. I look at him with disgust. "What has my father ever done to you for me to deserve this!" I shouted angrily hating this man. 

"I don't like to repeat myself. I have my reasons why and I am not telling you the reasons behind them," he hissed as he put the whip into a closet. He had his back to me and he was busy looking for something in his closet. Now is a good chance to try to escape. While he had his back turned I try to get loose from the rope. I sat up a little pulling on the rope trying to get it loose and then slip out but the ropes were tightly knotted around my wrist. I sigh. I will break the wood even if it makes my knuckles bleed. "What are you doing?" I froze as he caught me on what I was doing. "Trying to break free are you? Not going to happen. Spread your legs?" he held a vibrator in his left hand.

My eyes went wide, "What?"

Fatal Attraction: Falling into a Cruel love (Boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now