Escape one Part 3

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When I opened the closet my heart stops for a few seconds when I saw what was inside.

A sword was flung on the closet floor. I knelt before the sword. The blade was stained with blood. And from the looks of it, it was old blood. Old blood stains looming the floor that leads to the sword. I stood up and nearly screamed when I saw what was in a jar on the middle shelf. A head. The head was under some type of liquid. Doesn't seem just water in it. I wanted to throw up and get the hell out of there! Trying to ignore the head and the sword I looked around for some useful tools to help me escape. I saw a rope to climb down with and to my happiness a flashlight which was working. Seeing that there was nothing else useful I closed the closet going over to the bench to catch my breath from the head in a jar and the stained sword in blood. After regaining myself I turned off the light switch. I waited for a few minutes for the tiger to fall asleep. She may already fallen asleep but just in case I waited.

The first thing I did is turn the flashlight on and walk slowly and quietly to the cage. The second thing is making sure the the tiger was in the cave but not to shine the light upon her face it might wake her so I shine the light on the side of the cave away from her face. The cage was unlocked as I opened it and it didn't squeak which was lucky. Probably Reid oils the cage door? I take my first steps inside. I take them lose and quiet. I went over to the plastic cave. I panicked when I see Fear waking up and looking at me. She first looks at me and then growls. I quickly close her cave door as she was standing up and growling. I wanted to throw up when I turn around and seeing the camera guy's corpse laying beside the cave. Well what's left of his corpse. I look away and start walking to the window. I heard Fear growling in her cave. Sorry you big cat but you are not making a meal out of me! I jump on top of a boulder and then another one and then on top of a hill where the window lay above. I needed something to break the glass. Thinking if I shatter the glass Reid might hear or his men if they even live here. I am guessing yes cause they all only have the van.  I looked at the flashlight and see how heavy it was. It seemed heavy enough to break the glass and it was made out of heavy metal. I stood back a few feet having the rope around my shoulder ready. I threw the flashlight hard against the glass. Which was the trick. It shattered the entire glass which means I hit the window in the right spot. I waited for footsteps when there weren't none I carried on. Putting loops on the rope for my feet. Throwing the front of the rope down the window. The end part of the rope I tied to a fake tree that was in the cage a few feet away. Making sure the robe was stable I put my first foot in the loop of the rope and then when I saw that it was stable started climbing down from the window. It felt so nice being outside again. The cold night wind in my hair. I was into the night air and breathing it that I forgot I was holding on to a rope and starting to get burns on my hands. By the time I made it to the ground my hands were burning red. I ignored the burn while clenching my teeth. The flashlight lay on the ground and from the impact of the window it didn't break which was lucky. I start running in the woods that was connected to the Reid's lot. The thing I didn't check or thought of out here were traps. My foot stepped on the wrong path and I felt myself hanging in a net a few feet from the ground and then a alarm went of in the house, 'Shit!' I been caught by a trap and now an alarm is going off signaling that I tried to escape. 'Smart guy' I thought when looking at the trap and then hearing the alarm. I heard Reid shouting, "What is going on out here!" 

'Great I am going to be found out here,' fearing on what he is going do to me ones he finds me.

"Danny?" Reid shouts in surprise he was a few feet away, "were you trying to escape from me!" I panicked when he takes out a knife. He slices part of the net that was attached to a tree making me fall to the hard soul ground. I groaned in pain when my back hit the ground. I saw Reid and his two men coming over to me. Kick! I was kicked hard in the chest by Reid's foot, "How did you escape?" he hissed.

I breathed in pain, "Lik...e I...wi...ll"

Kick! I lay sprawled on my back as I feel him kicking me hard on my side as he is asking me over and over where I escaped. I keep telling him the same answer that I am not going to tell him and each time that rewarded me a kick to the side and a few times stumping on my chest. Luckily he didn't stump on me hard enough for my ribs to break but there will be bruises on my side and probably on my chest. I got kicked in the face hard and that's the last thing I felt till I lost consciousness.

My eyes shot open to see a room that looked  like a doctor's office, 'Was I taken to a doctor?' my head ached as I rubbed my scalp. I got up slowly my sides aching. That's when I noticed my hands and feet were tied to what looks like a doctor's bed. The door opens and Reid's head peeks in, "Oh good your up," he sneers as he walks in and closes the door behind him locking it with a key, dropping the key in one of his pockets, "You know I didn't think you would have the guts to try to escape from my clutches but I was wrong on that because you did try to escape but you failed on it so I will give you a D for failing on the escape," he sneers as he folds his arms infront of his chest looking at me up and down. He pushes me back on to the bed.

"What are you planning on doing with me?" I said in a well didn't mean to have a shaky voice when asking. It just slipped. Like if you can't hold your urine cause you really have to go and a bit may slip into your panties while running to the bathroom. For me is that I am scared of Reid when he gets like this and even though I was really trying not to shake infront of him I couldn't hold my fear and it just slipped out. This of course made Reid smile and the only time I seen him smile was when he was making me suffer or having fun with me which to him seems the same thing. Yeah why not make the person you hate the most have his son suffer whatever he caused you to hate him so! That is the question I want answers to the most. 'But you will not give me the answer will you?' I felt my pants tugged around my ankle along with my boxers. 'Why there?' of all places he can think at this moment he has to pick that part of my body. He puts a cloth around my mouth. My eyes follow him as he sits down in a chair infront of my legs. He holds up a rubber penis to show me and I panicked shaking my head knowing what he is going to do with it. I shook my head, 'No I beg you do not put that toy in me!' I wanted to shout but was muffled with the cloth so all he could hear was me whimper and squeak a bit. I close my eyes and clench my fist as I feel the rubber penis at my entrance. I gasp in pain as I felt it being pushed inside me, "This is a punishment for escaping me. Never do that again or this will be just a picnic for you," he hissed with a growl as he pushes it further inside me. Oh my it was painful I had tears running down my face and then I felt it vibrate. I am being tortured here or was it rape I am not sure yet? but either one I was freaking out with pain. Clenching my fists tightly that I felt some blood dripping from my palm.

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