Howling Terror

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Bones. Lots and lots of bones were in this livingroom. I covered my mouth with horror struck my eyes as I look at the scene infront of me. "Am I in a dream?" I wondered, "tell me this not reality," I look over at Reid, "please tell me this is a dream?" I stared at him with intense horror. Blood was dripping underneath Reid's face. His hair covered with blood. I look behind him to see the walls covered with old blood stains. I fell to the ground gripping my face. I rock back and fourth as no sounds came from my vocal cord. "This is a dream!" I screamed. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I look up to see Reid's mask face looking down at me. The blood dripping from his face. 'Was it his own blood?' I whisper as tears shun my eyes. I never thought I would cry for him. 'Is this what he feels?' I look around as I choked out a scream as I saw three corpse walking around me. Their bodies surrounded by their own blood. I cried out. I got up from the floor ones I found out that I have feet. And ran. Ran all the way downstairs and out the door.

I look back up at the apartment when I made it outside. There were blood stains dripping from the window. Dripping down on the dirt. I cover my mouth in horror as I saw a figure looking at me from the window. He grins at me as he held a sword in his hand. It was the same sword I found in the closet. Could it be that the one staring at me is Victor!? This is definitely a dream Victor is dead. I saw his head in a jar! His finger was on his neck. Giving me with my horror the killing sign. He was coming for me as I saw the window open up. I ran. Ran away from this horror of a village. I heard a sword scrapping the ground. I turn around as I see Victor chasing after me with a grin on his face. 

"Reid!" I cried, "please come rescue me!" then I remembered Reid being back at that horror place. "REID!" I need him now. Victor is after me!  Even though I hate Reid I feel safe with him in my dreams. I will never admit to him though. "Please save me!" Victor kept a grin on his face as I tripped on something. I look down at what I tripped it was a half body I wanted to throw up. I look over at Victor with terror as I ask this, "What have you done!" I cried, "Why have you done it?" 

Victor didn't answer me as he was reaching near me. I tried getting up but my ankle gave out from when I tripped and I couldn't get up without pain shooting out. "Wait why do I feel pain?" this is a dream! I scream in terror as I see Victor's sword coming down on me. I felt the pain instantly as it cut me in half. 

I woke up as Reid's mask was looking down at me. A light was on which was the lamp next to my bed.  'Why is Reid here?'  I didn't care if I hated him I clung to his waist. As he was standing over me. I couldn't breathe correctly. I breathed harshly as the terror of my nightmare crept back in my mind. "Reid?" I breathed out, "your ok." 'Wait why do I care?' I hate him. 'Why is he staying quiet?' I felt a hand on my hair. As he gently stroked my scalp. Tears began to build up, "you were drenched in blood," I whisper.

"What are you talking about?" he said quietly, "of course I am ok. I am right here ain't I?" 

I nodded as I clung to his body. I didn't care where my head was at the moment. "In my dream you weren't," I whisper, "your hair was drenched in blood. Blood dripping from your mask. It was awful. Not to mention I was running from someone."

"Who were you running from?"

"It was...Victor," I breathed out.

I stayed in bed the entire morning. Thinking of the dream. The horror of the dream. Yesterday Reid showed me his village one that has a horror past. Inside the apartment we walked in. I was shun with horror as the livingroom area was filled with bones upon bones. Now they crept up in my dream. That dream seemed so real. Victor chasing me. Slicing me in half. I felt the pain as well. 

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