Pulling me

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 I counted the many times I tried escaping his clutches many times has he hurt me with those rough hands. Many times I got the chance to kill him. Putting a piece of glass to his throat from a broken bottle. One small move and I could of sliced his throat the one thing I don't  get the whole time after I tried killing him was that he was couraging me to kill him.

"You are aiming it wrong," he hissed as I had a piece of glass to his throat from a broken bottle. He was helping me aim it right to his throat, "Go ahead you want to kill me right? Then do it and you will be free from me."

I was shaking I can't believe he would actually help me slice his own neck. I look down at his mask face. I couldn't tell what kind of emotion was lurking in his eyes. He told me very  simply that he will never ever show me what is behind his mask. I already know why cause he hates me. He hasn't ever said he hates me but from making me suffer with his rough hands and cruel punishments that I never earned I guess that he hates me so much that he wants me to suffer to feel the hate. And I hate him. I despise him so much that I can't stand it when I look at him. So then why, why am I not able to kill him! If I slice his throat it will all be over and I will be free. I sigh as I dropped the glass on the floor, "No matter how much I hate and despise you I can never bring myself to kill you." He nods and pushes me off of him and smacks me in the face for attacking him in the first place. I don't get this guy first he wants me to kill him and the next he smacks me in the face for trying to kill him.

Flashback ends

I counted the times I tried killing him which is 3 times. And each time he let me kill him and eachtime I couldn't do it and eachtime he smacks me after from trying to kill him. I was lying on the bench thinking. Thinking about my family are they still looking for me or have they given up. Both my sister and Lucy my girlfriend probably thought that I ran away. From my aunt's abusive hands. And if I could choose between my aunt beating me and Reid's rough hands I would choose my aunt. At least she has a reason to hit me.

His face was looking at me across the table. It was breakfast time. I look over to him his mask seems to be studying me. I felt creeped out and looked down at my half empty plate.

"Eat your food or I will shove it down your throat," he sneers.

I panicked and started eating the scramble eggs and bacon on my plate.

"Good boy," he smiles at me like he was enjoying me squirming infront of him as he watches me eat. He sips his beer.

"Isn't it a bit to early to drink?" I wondered about the beer.

"Not to me. I can drink whatever I want."

I nodded keeping quiet. So far we are actually having a nice time at the table. He wasn't shouting and even though I hate him I wanted to keep him in a good mood. I don't get something though. I tried killing him 3 times and he pretends that nothing happened and just talks to me like nothing happened. I don't get this guy. I just don't get him. The basement was filled with three other prisoners. They are all snacks for Fear. Reid told me that he has reasons to kill them. What reasons were those? I never asked though I just nodded maybe one day he will give me the answers.

"I am going out today," Reid announced putting down the newspaper he's been reading, "and if you behave you can come with me," he walks over to me with a small square box, "I have something for you,"  'Why is he giving me a box?' "open it for a surprise."

Opening the box I was surprised to see a collar, "Don't I already have a collar?" I pointed to my neck.

"Oh yes but this is a special one that I designed myself a long time ago," he takes off my collar and replaces it with this new collar, "It comes with a wireless leash," he takes something out from his pocket and snaps it to the collar, "this wireless device I designed and made myself with help of someone who shall remain nameless. He helped me make this as well I show ya," he took out a tiny remote from his pocket and showed it to me, "this is what controls the wireless leash," he presses a button on the remote, " try it out try walking to the kitchen?" he sneers.

"Do you think I am a idiot? I know there is a plan behind that pretty head of yours," I raise a eyebrow.

Reid grabs my shirt and yanks me to my feet, "If you think I am using this thing to blow you up or something like that? If I wanted to kill you I would have let the tiger eat you a long time ago idiot," he snaps and I could see that he was slowly getting mad. Usually when I get him mad he slaps me on the face or whips me with the whip in that bedroom of his. I breathed in a sigh, "Now get up and try it out. I made it just for you," he sneers.

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