So Much More Than A Pretty Face In A Dress

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“Someone needs to invent a chair for pregnant women that adjusts automatically when they need it to.” I grumbled, fidgeting in my seat as I tried to find a comfortable position.

“Just think how much they’d cost.” Warrick chuckled signing some of the paperwork for the evidence that had just been dropped off.

“They’d make these nine months a hell of a lot easier.” I mumbled, reaching around and attempting to reach the right handle. My attempts fell short and it was only when Warrick came over and did the job for me that I could finally feel comfortable again.

“I owe you a coffee.” I grinned, reaching back across to continue typing the necessary information into the computer.

“One of those ones you’re not supposed to be drinking?” He asked, shooting me a knowing look that I countered with an innocent smile.

“Hey Miks, I got something for you.” The doors opened and Greg strolled in with a folder in his hand. “It’s hot off the press, too.”

I looked up and gave my husband a confused glance before accepting the folder and flicking it open. My eyes scanned the pages for a few silent moments and then a smile crossed my lips. “You mean there was actually something in the system relating to the information we got from Reese?”

“Plenty. There are still some kinks to work out, but we found reports from some of those shipment busts disguised as personal ads and a couple of dead end bits on smuggling rings. There was never enough information to convict anyone at the time, but there are definitely links in the evidence.” He wore a grin on his face and it was one that I soon matched easily enough.

“I would kiss you right now, but I don’t think I could get up.” I told him, rolling my eyes as he grinned boyishly.

“Let me help you with that.” I thought he was going to help me to my feet, but instead Greg bent down just enough to steal a quick kiss from me.

“How is it that you two are still so sickeningly sweet? Isn’t that supposed to have worn off by now?” Warrick asked as he opened one of his files and rolled his eyes at the pair of us.

“Oh, just wait until they’re knee deep in diapers; things will change soon enough then.” Catherine caught only the tail end of the conversation as she entered the labs and then it was the turn of me and Greg to roll our eyes.

“I’m looking forward to it.” Greg smiled, folding his arms across his chest as he shrugged and leaned against the table top.

“You say that now…” Catherine teased as she reached for the folder Warrick held out to her.

“No, I mean it.” Greg insisted, shaking his head. “I can’t wait for Baby Sanders to actually be here and I’m actually looking forward to all the chaos people keep telling us about.”

“First of all, I never expected this man to actually get married and now he’s telling me he’s looking forward to diapers, loss of sleep and crying babies? Man, I thought I’d heard everything.” Warrick shook his head and looked at Greg in disbelief. I was just smiling up at him, amused by how excited he was to be a father now that all the initial worry and panic had finally left him.

“So, what’s next with this?” I asked, returning attention to the work at hand rather than the idle chat of parenthood and pregnancies that had side tracked us all for several minutes.

Greg turned and rested his hands on the desk next to me, shifting his weight as he spoke. “Well, there are still a few searches running, but after that it’s a game of connect the dots. Hopefully then you’ll find the answers you’ve been looking for.”

In a World They ForgotOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz