All The Things You've Got To Be

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I heard voices growing louder in my mind and slowly came out of my slumber. I blinked, allowing my eyes to adjust to the fluorescent lighting in my hospital room.

"Hey she's waking."

"Catherine?" I mumbled groggily, attempting to raise my hand to shield my eyes.

"And don't miss me out kiddo." I smiled weakly at the sound of Nick's Texan drawl.

"Hey Nick."

"Do you need a drink? You sound pretty dry." I felt a straw being pushed into my mouth and I coughed in surprise.

"You don't need to choke her!" Catherine said with a soft chuckle.

I sipped some of the cool water and smiled, feeling a little more alive now my throat wasn’t quite so much like sandpaper.

"Thanks Nick."

"How are you?" Catherine said with a sympathetic smile.


"Do you want us to fetch a nurse or something?" Nick asked, looking concerned.

"No. I'll be fine. I’m just aching all over."

"You scared us all Miki." Catherine pushed her light hair back. She looked relieved and I noticed the faint dark circles around her eyes, only just hidden by her make up.

"Especially poor little Greggo." Nick commented.

Catherine's pager went off. "I have to go and pick Lindsey up. Get better and I'll see you soon Miki." She told us, picking her cream jacket up off a plastic chair.


"See you Catherine."

I shifted in the bed and a sharp pain shot through my side, causing me to grimace and cry out a little.

"It'll probably help if you stay still." Nick said helping me lay back down, his large hands guiding me back to the soft pile of pillows.

"Since when have I ever stayed still?" I joked, resting my head back on the pillow, and wincing a little as the pain began to ease to a dull ache.

"Good point, but now may be a good time to start."

I remained silent for a few minutes and looked around my room, taking in the flowers in vases, get well soon balloon and white teddy that sat with it.

"Greg brought that in after work finished this morning." Nick commented indicating the balloon and teddy.

"Typical Greg, I guess." I smiled softly, still feeling terrible as the memory of his distress flooded back to me.

"Hey, he was shaken up more than you can imagine."

"I know. I saw him when it first happened." I looked down at the bed sheets, the guilt overwhelming me. I was the one who had been shot, yet he dealt with it worse.

"God, he must've been a wreck." I nodded and then looked across at Nick.

"I can tell you anything, can't I?"

"Sure you can, kiddo."

"He was probably the reason I fought to stay alive after I'd been shot."

"What?" He looked puzzled.

"It sounds crazy, but at one point I was all for just letting go-the pain became way too intense, there was so much blood and I couldn’t keep my eyes open. It was the fear in Greg's eyes that made me fight. I knew that if I died on him then he'd be a total wreck. You'd lose him as well as me." I explained slowly.

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