I Want To Vanish Inside Your Kiss

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A week later and things were back to how they used to be. Nick would still worry about the two of us occasionally during work but he was often around having a chuckle and joking about being a third wheel. Hodges was now avoiding the two of us as much as he could, although I kept smirking at his two black eyes and gauzed nose. Grissom had given him a caution and made him work extra tests to make up for blackmailing a member of his team.

Everyone found that amusing apart from Hodges and Ecklie.

I was in the locker room with Catherine. The two of us had just finished up on a case and were going to grab something to eat in a café just round the corner from the lab whilst we were on break.

"Are you ready?" She asked me, her jacket already over her shoulders.

"Two seconds, just grabbing my bag." I smiled at her unlocking my locker.

As I pulled the small metal door open a blue rose fell out and I caught it, pricking my finger with a thorn.

"Greg has really got to stop this." I mumbled, trying to remember how many places I'd found them in the last week.

"Looks like you've got Greg tied around your little finger." Catherine smiled.

"He's trying hard for something." I said, voicing my thoughts out loud.

"Or maybe he just wants you to know how much he really does care. I mean, blue roses don't come cheap Miki."

"I know. The apartment is overflowing with them though." I laughed fingering the delicately dyed petals.

"Then make the most of his romantic mood. Seriously Miki, he's smitten with you. Apparently Warrick had to snap him out of some mumbling rant the other night."

"Oh geez. He's lost it big time." I smiled, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.

"I think it's cute and so does everyone else, even Gil has mentioned it to me, just don’t tell him that I told you." Catherine told me.

"Well, I just hope it stays like that." I said, closing the locker and smiling at the older woman. “Seriously, I need this right now after everything that’s happened.”

“I don’t know why you’d be worrying Miki. Greg has never been like this before. I don’t think I’d be wrong if I said he was in this for the long haul.”

“Well, I’m there with him too.”

By the end of the shift I was shattered. I stumbled up to the apartment door and slipped the key in the lock, knowing Greg had left an hour early tonight because of a splitting headache, so I expected him to be fast asleep in bed, snoring his pretty little head off and mumbling about gnomes or something. The lights were off but the blinds were still wide open. It was the first time I'd noticed how overwhelming the sunrise was over Vegas. I moved towards the sliding doors, my desire to watch the sunrise taking over my cry for sleep. I turned the lock, smothering the loud click with my hand, and slid the door open quietly, not wanting to disturb Greg’s slumber. I walked towards the walled balcony and noticed something lying on the top of it. Another blue rose. I smiled and noticed that blue roses travelled along the wall; the heads all seemingly pointing in the same direction. I moved to the corner where the last rose lay and looked down, something glinting in the morning sunlight. On the tiny budded head of the final rose there was a ring. It was white gold and unusual looking. I plucked it from the rose and studied it with an eye only a CSI could have. Was this what I thought it was? The band went around but didn't join at the ends. Instead another thin strip united them together and a diamond was fitted in next to it. I felt a pair of arms travelling around me, picking the ring from my fingers gently and sliding it halfway onto my ring finger.

"Marry me Miks."

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