I'll Fashion You A Letter

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I was sitting in the garden reading an amazing mystery novel and listening to the radio. One of my favourite songs came on and I turned the volume up, put the book down and began to dance around the gazebo I was sat under, singing loudly as I rocked out as much as my side would allow me.

"I thought you were supposed to be resting?" A familiar voice carried across the flowery garden in the breeze and brought a smile to my lips. I looked up and saw Greg making his way down the stepping stone path.

"And I thought you were supposed to be in work?" I replied, a smile playing across my lips as I leaned against one of the sturdy wooden beams.

"Grissom sent me." He said simply when he had reached the gazebo.

"Uh oh. Can't be good if Griss sent you all the way down here."

"It's not much really. He just wants to know how your court preparation is coming along."

"Court preparation?" I raised an eyebrow and gave him a confused look.

"Yeah, well since this still is America, Mr Trigger-Happy, when we nail him, is going to have to go to court and you’re going to have to go on the stand as the victim this time, not just the investigating CSI. Grissom wanted me to make sure that you could get a lawyer just in case there’s a fast turnaround on this one. LVPD could provide you with one, but they’ll leave you to fend for yourself if the DA finds any compromising matters in the case." Greg explained.

"I hate court rooms." I groaned falling back into my chair and wincing at the pain that hit my side.

"So I take that as an 'I've not prepared a damn thing.'?" Greg sat down opposite me.

"No, and after all the medical bills I've just had to pay there is no way I'm going to be able to afford a decent lawyer unless I get back into a lab, now." I pushed my hair back with my hand.

"Grissom thought that and told me to give you this." He handed me a folder filled with paper and a number written on the front.

"What is this?"

"I didn't understand completely but Grissom said to call that number ask for a Marjorie Taylor and then explain your situation to her and tell her Grissom referred you. Apparently she's helped the crime lab out a few times before and gets on great with Grissom, he said she can help you and the lab should cover the cost since you were at a scene when you were s-shot." Greg stumbled on the final word.

"Oh right." I mumbled flicking through the documents in the folder.

"I'm surprised the lab didn't cover your medical bill."

"I had to fork out for it until the case is officially over. They said they'll pay the cost back to me once the case is closed, but we'll have to wait until it goes to trial and we get a conviction. If he gets off, I don't get my money back."

"That's stupid!"

"Tell me about it. Ecklie dealt with it all and I know he hates me so he'd probably love it if I went broke."

"He hates the whole team Miks."

"Well anyway, until I get back in that lab and start earning money again I'm living off of the final $200 from my last pay check."

"When do you come back to work?" Greg stole a sip of my cooling coffee on the table.

"A week from tomorrow." I told him stealing my mug back and throwing him a playful glare.

"Oh, Miks, before I forget, you know this celebration night out of ours?"


"Well how do you fancy this Wednesday? Griss forced me to take a night off since he thinks I'm about to go into stress mode. I only screamed in the parking lot to let out some pent up energy, but he doesn't believe me."

"Sounds great!"

"Good, because I've already gone ahead and planned it." He grinned before getting up and making his way back to the house.

"What are we doing?" I chased after him, holding my side and making a metal note to take my pain killers.

"That's a surprise." He teased, walking backwards across the patio.

"Aw, come on Greg! I'm still an injured girl!" I whined opening the door.

"And it's still a surprise!


"You really want to know?"


"Then you'll find out on Wednesday. Bye Miks." Greg ran down the drive to his car, leaving me dumbfounded on the doorstep.

"Moon child? What is this?" I turned around and Mikito was holding my flashing pager.

"Er, it's from work." I said taking it from her hand and looking at Nick's name in confusion.

"Then why is it going off if you're not working?"

"Good question." I said, jumping as it went off again, the same name flashing across the top.

"Why do you need a pager in your line of work anyway?" Mikito asked as I turned the darn thing off--Nick would soon realise he was paging the wrong CSI.

"Uh--it's a--it's a big lab." I lied shoving it in my pocket.

"I've never seen it in the city."

"It's fairly new. They relocated from the desert."

"You will have to show me some time. You know I am fascinated by modern technology." She waved her hand as she made her way back into the kitchen.

Greg was right...

I had to tell them...

Just, not yet.

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