I've Become What I Can't Bee

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I was woken the next morning by a high pitched buzzing noise that was continuously echoing around the apartment. It took me a few moments to realise it was the door buzzer. I untangled myself from the messy sheets and Greg's arms and slipped into a pair of panties and grabbed Greg's shirt from the night before, pulling it over my small figure. I stumbled from the room, noticing the state of the apartment after last night. Things were all over the floor; books, files, CD's, DVDs...even a chair was overturned.

I pulled the door open and smiled up at Nick with a groggy expression.

"Finally, I thought you'd never answer." He said.

"I was sleeping."

"Where's Greggo?"

"He's still sleeping." I yawned and stretched.

"Well if you'd returned my calls, you'd still be sleeping too." Nick walked in and looked around at the state of the apartment, his eyebrows furrowed in confusion as his mind processed the unusual mess. I yawned and scratched the back of my head. I was groggy and my mouth was dry. "Miki, please tell me you didn't--"

"Didn't what?"

"You know what!"

"No I actually don't. Please remember that this girl has just stumbled out of bed."

"Was that after you stumbled into Greg's pants?" I raised an eyebrow and slowly realisation set in, a goofy smile making its way across my sleepy face. "Miki! What the hell were you thinking?"

"I was thinking that I love the guy." I said, exasperated with this early morning lecture.


"Yeah, we're in love Nick. What did you expect to happen in a relationship?" I asked him.


"Miks, who are you talking--Nick, hey." Greg quickly darted back into the bedroom and slipped a shirt on to go with his boxers. I’d never really had him pegged as a modest one, but then I suppose he’d never had his co-worker walk in post sex.

He came out and leaned against the wall and I couldn't help but smile at his spikes that were still visible, only slightly bent. The smile turned into a grin when I noticed he couldn't stop grinning either.

"Well, I can officially declare this moment as awkward." I mumbled, remembering Nick‘s presence and sitting down.

"I can't believe this. You two are getting yourselves in a deep pit of trouble." Nick sat on one of the stools at the breakfast bar and shook his head slightly.

"Nick, what exactly did you expect to happen in this relationship?" I asked, sighing and running my fingers through matted hair.

"I never expected there to be a relationship to start with." He mumbled in some sort of reply.

"Nick, I know it's a shock that we're together and have been for closing up on a year, but we know this is the right thing. It's what we both want." Greg explained to him.

"You got to tell Grissom now. If you don't, it's only going to be a matter of time before he finds out and then you'll both be unemployed! If you go and tell him he may be able to help you--"

"NICK! We've already spoke about this. We're telling him tomorrow after the shift finishes." I told him.

"You'd better because Ecklie is close to finding out and if he puts the pieces together before Grissom knows...well there will be hell to pay." Nick warned us.

"We know Nick. We just...it's not the best thing in the world you know? Confessing to doing something we shouldn't have done in the first place." Greg sighed.

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