Chapter 19-Doors and bumps

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"What?" Jenna asked her eyes rising

Why do humans-even werewolves- apparantly asks question they know the answer to and when asked this type of questions they still answer

"The pull you feel for Xavier...I get it" Raven answered- see what I mean?- his eyebrows pulled together still examining his hands

I heard Alpha Xavier exhaled loudly "Fuck" he silently cursed Jenna tilted her head "Interesting" she whispered before sitting at the couch

"What is going on?" I scowled looking at the three of them back and forth Raven went over the couch and sat at Jenna's right

Alpha Xavier walked to the couch and sat at Jenna's left I rolled my eyes before sitting at the single seat in front of them

Jenna bit her lip before explaining "Remember I told you that me and Xavier thought we were mates?" She asked and I resisted the urge to break something preferably one of her bones

I nodded and she continued "I said that because we really did we feel the pull that mates feel for each other only..." she stopped her eyes at the ceiling as if searching for a word

"Tamer" Raven filled in for her his lips had a slight smirk as if he thinks all of this is joke which i kind of did too so I pursed my lips to keep myself from smirking back

"Surprisingly you and um...Raven have that too" Jenna finished with a shake of her head

Remember when I told you that I hate the universe? Scratch that I freaking scorn her

Alpha Xavier scoffed " can start packing" he told me before standing up grabbing Jenna's wrist and dragging her to upstairs to his room

I winced as the door banged shut I shifted my eyes from the door the Raven who is glaring at the door his fist balled on his side his jaw ticking his coal eyes turning a shade darker...if that's possible

He looked at me and he smiled and then he started laughing and I started laughing and we both stopped laughing and I tried to blink back the tears that stinged my eyes because I didn't want to cry

"This whole fucking situation is so damn depressing its hillarious" he said shaking his head

"You can say that again..I still need to pack" I said shaking my head he looked at the door and I looked at the door and we both just looked at it for awhile trying not to think about what's going on behind it and trying not to think only made me thought about it more so I strutted to my room and left Raven try not to think by himself

I packed and like every other packing it sucked I had to make all of my things fit and leave the room I've been living in for like five days

"I'll take that" Raven said taking the box and duffle bag from my hands and taking it out of the front door to his red car I whirled to get my other bag and jumped when I saw Alpha Xavier leaning at his side on the door frame of the room that used to mine

"Um...uh" I stammered looking his eyes and feeling all the life get sucked out of me he sighed irritatedly before tossing my bag to me which I caught...almost breaking two of my fingers in the process

"Well" I smiled at him "Bye.. I guess- I mean I'll see you at school tomorrow- I think" I said internally slapping myself He scoffed rolling his eyes he said,

"Just lock the door when you leave" before walking ahead bumping my shoulder at the process I stumbled back from the impact but i smiled to myself

His arm hit my shoulder!!!! My mind screamed I hugged the bag tighter against my crazily beating heart and I turned around and walked out of the front door remembering to lock it...

I grinned at Raven who was leaning against his car "Hi" i said "hey" he said and that was that...

He doesn't want meTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang