Chapter 33- Oreo cheese cake

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That night he called once again and I answered "Hello" I asked but as usual the other end of the line was silent and since I have been waiting for his call for three hours my eyes felt tired

So I put the call on speaker placing it on the bedside table and slept thankful for the Wolf and Fang revolution that is celebrating its 351st anniversary tomorrow which only means one school!

It was 2:00 in the afternoon when Raven started knocking at my door "Hey wake up" he called to me "Go away" I yelled back "We're going to Xavier's place" he informed and I ran out of my bed and flung the door open

"Why?" I asked Raven shrugged "Its Jenna's birthday tomorrow I wanted to surprise her" he said I look at all the baking materials and ingredients at the counter

"You want me to help?" I asked my eyes wide he nodded amd I laughed "Rave, you know that I'm probably the worst in the kitchen right?" I asked

He shook his head "Nah..I'm the worst you're just the second placer" he said and I started walking towards the kitchen

We baked an oreo cheese cake, jenna's favorite and cooked paella,another of Jenna's favorite all in four hours time

I exhaled when we finally ribboned the cake in the box "What is so wrong in buying an already made cake?" I asked wiping sweat off my brow

Raven shrugged "No effort" he said and I rollwd mt eyes at him wiping moist out of my glasses we cleaned the mess in the kitchen which took us another hour and we showered and got dressed

It was around eight when we left Raven's house when we halted into a stop Xave opened the car door for me taking the cake from my lap and I grabbed the tray of paella

I clasped the knob of the front door and was surprised to see that it was open I swung it open and we quietly scanned our eyes on the first floor "Maybe they're upstairs?" Rave suggested

I shrugged and trailed behind him as we climbed up the stairs "Happy bi-" Rave started to say when he swung the door open

The blanket was over the both of them and Jenna was stradling Alpha Xavier who was laying on the bed, whilst kissing down his neck, clothes littered the floor

His eyes that were closed suddenly opened and I was frozen in place my heart tightening painfully I heard the cake drop from Raven's hands and he clasped my arm painfully before running down the stairs dragging me with him

"Wait!" I called to Raven he looked back at me his whole eyes a swirling color of black I carefully placed the paella in my hands at the top of the counter before Raven dragged me to the car

I closed my eyes tears dripping down to my chin my hands clasping the door as Raven drived dangeeously fast when  Alpha Xavier's house was out of sight the car stopped Raven running to the woods a few minutes later I heard the sound of a howling wolf

I rested my head against the chair as the howling of Raven's wolf pierce my heart deeply it was so full of pain and betrayel that I can't help but dissolved into tears

I didn't want my wolf to shift I didn't want her to howl her heart break foe everyone to hear, I didn't want it to reach Alpha Xavier's ears I don't want him to know how much much he's hurting me...

I clutched my heart trying to hold it together so that the pieces of my breaking heart won't fall to fragments in the floors of my soul

It took a while before Raven came back, there was a stony set on his features, I took a deep breath as he went back on driving his eyes glaring ahead

He halted into a stop at the front of his house and opened the door for me I gave him a weak smile before turning  the door open with my keys

I looked at Raven who started to go back into his car "Where are you going?" I asked "I'm going go get drunk" he answered and he raced out of the drive way before I could protest

I went to my room and sighed...I felt tears stream down my face as I stared at my phone waiting for him to call I waited and waited till it was 1:27 the phone rang it was him, Alpha Xavier my love it says I hesitantly answered

"Hello?" I asked my voice raw from crying I waited for him to say something but he didn't, my phone buzzed informing me that the battery is almost dead so I stood up to grab the charger but before I can the door of my room slammed open

I drop the phone in surprise "Raven?" I called to him as he staggered to me his eyes heavey "Ash" he said his breath reeking of alcohol

I stepped away from him till my back hit the wall he pressed himself against me "Ash, I want to make them hurt too" he said his voice breaking, one of his hands raised cupping my cheek "I want to kiss you" he whispered biting his lips

"Raven, you're drunk" I whispered he shook his head his swirling dark eyes looking down on me "Please..." he pleaded pressing me harder against the wall his hands snaking down from my cheek to my nape

I was shaking "Rave...don't do this" I said grasping his arms tightly "I want to kiss you so bad" he said leaning down on me and I froze in place his face inches from mine

"But I can't" he whispered hopelessly pressing his forehead against mine "I love her...ash" he groaned out his forehead still against me

My eyes widened when suddenly Raven was pushed off me I helped Raven as he stumbled to the floor Alpha Xavier glared down on him, his eyes glowering with rage

Alpha Xavier grabbed Raven by the collar of his shirt before punching him in the jaw Raven pushed him off "You fucked her Xave" he yelled before throwing a punch that hit him straight in the cheek

Alpha Xavier brushed his thumb over his bleeding lip he glared at Raven before punching him again "Fucking asshole" he said angrily while punching Raven again

I tried to grasp his arm but he shook me off making his punches falter Raven took the opportunity to punch him again I tried to stop Raven but he just pushed me to the side "You know she's mine but you still won't keep your fucking  hands to yourself"  Raven said his punches landing harder

"You're not who Jenna wants" Alpha Xavier said with a bloody smirk I pushed him off Raven, Alpha Xavier glared at me wiping blood from his chin with the back of his hand

He rolled his eyes leaning his back against the wall I turned to face Raven who was sitting on my bed "Raven" I whispered my eyes scanning over his bruised face my mouth open agape

"I'll get the first aid kit" I said heading to the door before looking at them both "Please try not to kill each other" I pleaded before hurrying down the stairs I grabbed the kit and went back to my room

I kneeled infront of Raven opening the kit "I'm sorry" he apologized his eyes looking less drunk and more exhausted I gave him a weary smile before giving him a pack of ice to press against his eyes and cheek

He laid on my bed groaning when his back touched the matress

I slowly walked towards Alpha Xavier who haven't moved from leaning against the wall

"We should go and let him rest" he looked at Raven who had his eyes closed, still holding the ice against his cheek

Alpha Xavier rolled his eyes clicking his tongue "before going out of the door stepping down the stairs I closed the door behind me shutting the lights as I did

I went down the stairs and walked to the kitchen where Alpha Xavier was, sitting on the counter I handed him a pack of ice but instead he grabbed my hand pulling me toward him

There I was standing between his legs as I pressed ice against his lip his hand still covering mine he was looking at my eyes his eyes so cold that they pierced mine

My hand felt both cold and warm that I can't help but shiver he suddenly whispered in a hoarse voice "I don't want him touching you"

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