Finishing Books And Tracking Spinner

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Raven's PoV

When we went back to the tower, I went back to my room. I was about to finish the book and I seriously wanted to know what happens next after Violet passed out...

Jonathan climbed to the top of the roof, to see Violet looking over the houses. He knew that Violet would be here because it's where she tries to focus and meditate at times.

"What's wrong Violet?" Jonathan asked him. Violet was surprised that he was here, but she didn't want to see his face.

"Nothing's wrong, J. I just need to focus." Violet lied. She didn't want him to think about her and her problems. However, Jonathan could tell she was lying.

"No, V. Something's wrong" He reassured as he walked beside Violet and took a seat next to her. "Is it because of your constant passing out? Is it because everyone thinks you're creepy because you don't reveal your emotions a lot?"

"Jonathan, it's because of you." Violet revealed to Jonathan, still too shy to look at him.

"You're the one who has been causing my pass outs. If I kiss you like awhile ago, who knows? Maybe I would pass out again."

"V, it's not about me." Jonathan protested. "It's about you."

Violet was surprised to hear this. What could she have done to get in this mess?

"You keep your emotions to yourself too much that it gives tons of stress in your brain, therefore causing your brain to have a shutdown." Jonathan explained.

"I'm sorry."  Violet apologized. Then she looked at Jonathan in the eye.

"Since you want me to let out my emotions, I have to tell you that I like you. No, I love you." Violet revealed. "When I first met you I thought you would be stupid but when I got to know you better, you were such a charming guy. I hated you for being loud, for annoying me, for forcing me to smile at your jokes. But I never knew deep down inside that I had an enormous crush on you. I really, really love-" Violet was cut by Jonathan.

"I love you too you know."  Jonathan told Violet. "When I met you I thought you were creepy and boring. I forced you to play video games, eat my favorite food, and laugh at my brilliant jokes." Violet rolled her eyes when he said about his jokes being brilliant. "But when I got to know you better, I thought you were sweet and interesting. I would buy you flowers, write you love poems, and take you out on dates. You're the most beautiful girl in the whole world and I would do anything to be with you." Jonathan finished.

The two were about to kiss, until Jonathan stood up and helped Violet too.

"Can I ask you something?" Jonathan started.

"What is that?" Violet replied

"Will you be my girlfriend?" Jonathan asked her.

"Oh yes J!" Violet embraced Jonathan in a hug, then kissed him. Sparks flew everywhere. It felt so good, so right. The two then separated, and Violet opened her mouth to say

"This doesn't mean you're jokes are funny."

Life couldn't get so much better.

I was glad for Violet. I wish that I could love somebody do intense like Violet and Jonathan. I'm just afraid that because of love, my emotions would go cray cray. I felt bad though for finishing it already. It's the last book I have that I haven't read yet. I need to get some new books to last for a month or so. And I knew the person who I could go to the mall with.


I placed the book on my shelf and went out of my room to go to the common room. I wasn't looking to where I was going, so I bumped into someone and fell to the ground. I hoped it was Star, but instead a green hand appeared right in front of me.

Beast Boy.

I held his hand to get up, then brushed my cloak. I just realized know how much he had grown. Those years before I was three inches taller than him, but now he's tree inches taller than me.

"Sorry Beast Boy." I apologized.  

"Nah it's okay Rae." Beast Boy replied. I glared at him.

"-ven." He finished. Beast Boy started to walk away.

"By the way, have you seen Starfire?" I asked him, hoping he heard me.

"Ya, she's in the common room. I just came from there. Spending time with Robin." He stated. Then he went straight to his room.

As I went into the common room, I saw Robin tracking a villain with Starfire. Is that really their idea of a date? They had better ones than this.

"Soo, what's going on?" I asked Robin.

"Oh yes friend Robin is doing the tracking of this Spinner." Starfire answered.

"And it seems that he's going into a city with no known heroes." Robin added.

"And what are we gonna do with him?" I questioned Robin.

"You won't do anything. Me and Star will track him down and put him to jail, while you, Cyborg, and Beast Boy will stay here and guard the city, stuff like that." He responded.

"Are you serious? Can't Beast Boy be the one to be sent away?" I complained. "And are you using this mission just to spend more time with Starfire?" 

Robin blushed. "No! And besides, you need to stay here in case of crime."

"But crime went a little down ever since we defeated the Brotherhood Of Evil." I protested.

"You'll never know if someone like Spinner randomly appears." Robin explained, then went back to tracking down Spinner. Starfire was about to follow him but I held her arm. 

"Hey Star, can you go to the mall with me." I asked her.

Before I knew it, Star started to smile a whole lot bigger.


Oh wow, that whole story had 979 words! I just imagined this chappie being like this but I never knew it would be that long! And besides, I usually just make sure that it passes the 500 words. 

Yup, I updated! I had tons of time to type because my sister already has work since she's a teacher, and she won't be hogging the computer anymore.

Possible Times That I Might Update :

May 12, Thursday

May 14, Saturday

May 16, Monday

May 18, Wednesday

Terrified: A Teen Titans BBRae Fanfic ~Completed~Where stories live. Discover now