Titans East

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Raven's PoV

After buying those clothes yesterday, Starfire and I went to buy pizza for us and the boys back in the tower. We bought 2 cheese pizzas, one vegetarian and one meat lovers. Starfire asked for extra mustard, amd brought it home. We gave it to the boys, and of course, Beast Boy and Cyborg had a fight about tofu and meat. Then we went to sleep, well aside from Robin, who tracked down Spinner.

I woke up the next day, took a shower, changed into my usual leotard and cloak, and put on my necklace. Ever since I wore the locket I have been feeling better than ever, like I could feel any emotion without blowing stuff up. Was I for real? Does the locket contain any magic?

I went into the common room, seeing the others already there. Cyborg making breakfast, Robin and Starfire with bags, and Beast Boy playing video games.

"Alright! Who wants waffles!" Cyborg announced in the room holding a delicious plate of waffles.

"Thank you Cyborg for making breakfast while me and Star go away." Robin said, getting his fork and knife ready.

"I will miss you all, even though I know we will catch this Spinner and bring him justice!" Starfire hugged Cyborg, who looked like he was going to suffocate. Then she started to eat the waffles. I sat beside her.

"Yo BB! Don't you want waffles?" Cyborg called Beast Boy who was losing the game he was playing.

"Dude, I want tofu! Do you know that I'm a vegetarian! Ve-ge-tar-ian!" Beast Boy complained, sitting next to me. For some unknown reason I blushed. Blushed? What? What is happening with me?

"Well I don't like your tofu, in fact you're the only one who likes that tofu!" Cyborg retorted, sitting down, ready to eat breakfast

We started to eat our breakfast, then said our goodbyes to the couple.

"Cyborg, you're in charge, okay?" Robin reminded. Cyborg nodded.

They went out of the tower, and that left Cyborg and Beast Boy playing video games. I just went in the common room and read a new book. It was called "Sound Of Melody" by Elena Evans. I turned to the first page and started to read.

I was already in Chapter Three when someone called us from our screen.

"Who is it?" Beast Boy asked Cyborg who answered the call. However, Cyborg talked to the one that was calling us.

"Hey Titans East!" Cyborg greeted Speedy, who looked like he was fixing he screen. Then Bumblebee appeared, and Cyborg started to blush. Beast Boy, as the best friend he is, started smirking at Cyborg.

"Hey Sparky. Where's Robin?" She asked.

"He and Starfire left to track a new villain called Spinner." Cyborg replied, trying to give a hint.

"Oh, I was wondering if you could come over here in our tower? Our security system broke and we do not know how to fix it." Bumblebee explained.

"Oh yeah, maybe, I'll just call Robin." Cyborg said.

"Bye Sparky." Bumblebee said, then ended the convo.

Cyborg leaving? That means I'll be stuck here with Beast Boy? Are they serious?


And that was my chappie. I don't really have anything to say. So...

Keep Calm And Spread Love!


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