Chapter 36

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--- 36 ---

*Chase Lancaster*

I stumbled as I walked in the apartment, my stepped were lethargic and my sight was blurred. Maybe I was sleepy. Couldn’t think why. Lazily I walked in towards the couch that was welcoming me.

I couldn’t remember the night being tiring at all.

In fact I couldn’t remember anything except for some chunks.

“Hey buddie!” I exclaimed as Milo came running to me, wriggling his tail happily. “You’re all al-lone?” the words slurred out of my mouth. “I’m alone too!” I grinned. “Let’s celeb-rate!” I rushed up to the corner bar and drained from the bottle of vodka. It flowed down with a numbing burn. Smashing the bottle on the counter I looked down at Milo. “You know… I’m a’readdy drunk!” I slurred and chuckled lamely walking over the couch dropping myself on it.

A tease of pain crawled up my back and I winced. “Damn!” I cursed loudly, grinding my teeth. If only I knew how much would it hurt! Slowly I stretched my legs and rested back closing my eyes.

Maybe a minute passed or an hour I don’t know but I got startled as the elevator opened and someone came in, directly towards me.

“Hello Chase.” they greeted as I focused on their face. My sight was still blurred and my head was so light I couldn’t think properly.

“An’ you are?” I slurred standing up limply.

“Herald Snyder.” I narrowed my eyes at him as he spoke. “Your lawyer. You asked for th—”

“Ah yess. Snyder! Come on, sit.”

He sat down, easing his coat. A middle aged man with strict face. He sat a black file on the coffee table.

Why was he here, I didn’t know. What did he want, I wasn’t aware and I guessed I didn’t care. It might be some business my father had sent him for. Some documents to be signed by me or some conditions to be dictated.

“I am a little short of time so if you—”

“Where are my manners!” I interrupted him. “First we’ll drink.” I stood up quickly yet clumsily. “Now, Sny-iderr, what would you like?” without waiting for him to answer, I rush towards the bar with stumbling steps. I was slurring even more than before and my walk was much lazy. I had to make a huge effort to keep my eyes open.

I came back with the bottle of beers and placed in front of him, dropping myself on the sofa with a burning, scratchy pain on my back.

 “I don’t drink in office hours Chase.” He watched me carefully. “And you are clearly drunk. Maybe I’ll come some other day.” He got up.

“I’m not drunk, see!” I grinned, opening my eyes wide and stood straight with a great effort. “Alright, screw the drinks, let’s discuss business!” I slurred clapping my hand on his shoulder. I sounded funny to myself. In fact everything seemed a little funny to me.

“Chase it’s not convenient with you like this and of course your wife isn’t here too.”

“Of course it’s convenient!” I forced him down and took the file from his hands, opening it. “Now tell me where does my father want me to know?”

Even as I tried to read from it, I couldn’t because I couldn’t focus, my head was too light to concentrate and the effort I had to make to keep up straight was huge and I was slipping things I couldn’t even understand myself.

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