Chapter 7

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Kellins P.O.V

I'm not gonna lie, I don't necessarily feel mentally unstable. I'm not suicidal at the moment. My mind is just blank. For the past week I haven't felt an ounce of emotion. Nothing. I think Vic can tell too, given all my short replies or not wanting to go out and do anything. He's been trying to get me to go do something active or fun but I'm not feeling it. I don't know how he can be so cheerful all the time. I can barely be cheerful for a minute before the voices in my head realize I'm having fun and shut that part of me down. It's agonizing and I think Vic finally realizes that no amount of therapy, mental hospitals, or even pills will change that. I'll always be like this. It'll never change and that's why I've tried to end it so many times.

Vic strolled into the room with his normal happy face. I smiled a little bit but the same thing that always occurs happened once again. I let my smile fall and watched Vic come over to my bed and sit himself down next to me. I cuddled into him and laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his torso. I drew random pattern on his bare skin, where the shirt was slightly up.

"Vic?" I asked quietly still cuddling into him. "What?" He replied.

"Nevermind," I said shaking the thought.

"No tell me," he pleaded in a child like tone.

"It's just that your so warm and," I sighed, " I want to say I love you but I can't because I don't know if it's actually love because I've never experienced it."

"You can tell me when you think your ready babe," he replied. I smiled as he kissed me on the forehead. He pulled off but I connected my lips with his. We kissed for a solid 30 seconds which went by all to quickly. He pulled off and asked.

"Let's go have fun Kellin," he said getting up. I asked him what he was planning.

"Let's go get drunk or some shit. I don't know. I just need to get out and do something crazy." I sighed and was about to turn down his offer. "I will not take no for any answer. We are going to go get wasted. Come on," he said. I got up and went to my dresser. I pulled off my shirt and sweatpants until I was down to my boxers and slipped on some skinny jeans and a plain white T-Shirt. I also put on some toms. I grabbed my phone and wallet and headed out the door with Vic. We went to this bar but it had a small dance floor. Not many people were here it was probably a more secluded one. We went to one close to campus so if we got drunk we could easily just walk home. The bartender walked out. His name tag read 'Cody'.

"What can I get for you guys?" He asked kindly.

"Whatever will get us wasted but not enough for us to black out." He stated chuckling. He nodded and asked for I.D. Which Vic showed him. Vic was old enough to drink but I still had to wait about 7 more months so I showed 'Cody' my fake I.D. He didn't even hesitate while looking at it and went and got us our shots. He came back with around 4 shots of I don't know what the hell they were. It was some type of clear liquid but it had a greenish tint to it.

"Both of you drink 2 of these and you'll be out of it," Vic nodded thanks and Cody turned around and went back into the staff room. There was only a few other people there. Not much it was peaceful. Great for getting drunk. Me and Vic quickly downed our shots and waited for them to set it. Waited for the amazing feeling of forgetting everything to work its way through my system.

After about 20 minutes even in my drunk state I knew I was being ridiculous and I knew I was wasted. Vic was clearly drunk too. Everything Vic said or did I laughed at.

"I think the shots worked," he said drinking another one which I knew probably wasn't a good idea but I did the same. I laughed obnoxiously and then took his hand and pulled him off his chair.

"Nooo Kellliiinnn," he whined. Sitting on the floor so I wouldn't be able to drag him.

"Fine. You chose the hard way," I giggled. I went up to him and sat on his stomach.

"No Kellin your too fat!" He giggled. I didn't even care he called me fat cause I knew he was kidding. I probably would have thought differently if the alcohol wasn't consuming my body. He eventually got up and I dragged him to the dance floor where a bunch of sweaty people were dancing. The later it got the more people came in. It was a fast song but I didn't want to let Vic go in my drunken state so I pulled his body close to mine. I grinded up against him hard and a...problem happened but I ignored it. I'll tease him. He started grinding more into me but I stepped away.

"Let's go back to the dorm," he whispered seductively in my ear.

"Hmm no," I sang in a sing song voice.

"Please!" He begged and pointed to his problem sticking out of his jeans.

"I'll think about it." I smirked. To be honest I wanted to go back too but he was so fun to tease, "Fine. One more shot then we can go." He nodded. And sat on the stool. I called up Cody and he got us each one more shot. I chugged it down then we headed outside.

As soon as we got out Vic pinned me against the wall and started grinding against me and kissing my lips. Leaving hickeys across my neck. I giggled.

"No wait until we get to the dorms." I said.

"I can't," he complained. He made a puppy dog face and glanced down. I saw I was now growing hard too. I smiled at him and started running to the dorm.

"Let's hurry," I called after him laughing hard because I was still highly intoxicated. He started running and eventually we got to the dorms. Both of us extremely out of breath. Since the alcohol was consuming me I was a little more open then last time. He lifted me up and I wrapped my legs around his waist and wrapped my arms around his neck and crashed my lips to his. I always ended up with his hoodies on so the sleeves were covering my hands as I softly tangled the sleeves of the jacket in his hair. He dropped me onto the bed and once again we were tangled in the sheets.

When we finished I giggled and poked his bare chest.

"I," poke. "Love," poke. "You," poke. He didn't say anything but smiled.

"You are really giggly when you are drunk," he smirked.

"Is that bad?" I frowned.

"No. It's cute,"

A/N: there is nobody to dedicate this chapter to cuz nobody is reading this. If you are don't be afraid to comment and vote :)

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