Chapter 9

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Did they already say ily to eachother? Pretend like they didn't. Vics P.O.V

We got seated by a nice teenage girl at the restaurant. I didn't catch her name but she was sweet and brought Kellin some tissues after seeing his watery eyes. We ordered our drinks a couple of seconds ago. I ordered a Pepsi and Kells just got a water. I love Kellin and all but I'm worried. There is never really a time where Kellin is at peace from this fucked up mental disorder. I just want him to be happy. Kind of like that one time we got extremely drunk. He was actually smiling a true smile and not having a panic attack and suicidal thoughts.

"You sure you're okay kells?" I asked him. He seemed a little bit zoned out and traumatized. He seemed so focus on mixing around his water with the clear straw. "Kells?" I questioned, my tone of voice a little louder so he could hear me.

"Hmm?" He finally looked up revealing his pretty greenish-blue eyes. "I asked if you're sure you're gonna be okay,"

"Oh yeah. I'll be fine." He replied and then went back to stirring around the ice in his water. It didn't last long because the waitress came over to take our order.

"Can I just get the five cheese ziti?" I asked.

"Sure, salad or bread sticks,"

"Salad please," I said. She looked over to Kellin letting him know it was his turn to order.

"I'll just get the same as him," he smiled. I could tell it was fake. She nodded and took our menus then left to put in our order. About 15 minutes later she came back with our food.

"Thanks for dinner, Vic," he broke the silence.

"No problem. Do you want to go see a movie after this? I know it's late but we should have time," I said.

"Sure. That sounds fun. What movie?" He asked me. I got my phone out of my pocket and looked at the movies playing at 8:00 and after.

"Cartoon or a scary movie?" I asked. There was only 4 movies available. The other ones I've already seen.

"Let's do scary," he laughed a little.

"The conjuring 2 or the purge: election year,"

"Let's do the purge. I won't be able to sleep after the conjuring,"

"True." I remarked. He giggled and finished his dinner. I also finished mine. We made a little conversation throughout it but my favorite part was seeing him smiling. His real smile. We paid the bill and got back into the car, completely forgetting about the string of events that happened beforehand.

We drove to the movie theater, which was only like 5 minutes away, and bought the tickets. Luckily, we got the latest time they had which was 9:30 so there wouldn't be that much people there. Like I predicted, there was only a 7 people in the front row. Me and Kell went all the way to the back and sat down. There was still like 20 minutes until the movie began.

"Kell," he turned his head and looked at me. God, he's gorgeous. I leaned in and pressed my lips against his soft ones. He put his hands around my neck and held me there. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we made out until the movie started without anyone noticing. I pulled away but my head was still leaning up against his and our eyes were connected. He looked down innocently. He combed through my hair aimlessly with his fingers.

"I love you Kell," I admitted finally. You might think it's too soon but I've never felt this way about anyone before. I honestly, truly love him.

"I love you too, I think," he said back and put his lips back to mine. He probably felt like me. He probable doesn't know if this is love or not. The previews of newer movies ended and the movie started. I kissed him on the forehead and then pulled away to watch the movie. As the movie dragged on the closer Kellin moved to me. It was actually a pretty terrifying movie. I could tell Kellin got scared pretty easily because he was shaking as hundreds of people got shot. I put the arm to the chair up and pulled him into me. Kellin covered his eyes as blood splattered everywhere. If the purge was real I would have honestly killed myself right now. Who would actually want to do something like that?

The sirens saying the purge was over rang through my ears and scopula minutes later the ending credits came one. Kellin say up with a scared look on his face.

"We should have went to see finding dory. That was horrible,"

"It was scarier than the other ones," I chuckled.

"Ya. Sleep with me tonight?" He asked.

"Don't I always," I said as I reached the parking lot. I noticed the car was quite a long walk away so I grabbed his hand and turned him around. I leant forward in front of him, "Get on,"

"What?" He asked confused.

"Get on my back," he did as I said and hopped on. I stood up. He was extremely light so it wasn't that hard. I started walking and he held on to my chest tightly as he giggled.

"Vic you're gonna drop me," he was in a fit of laughter because I was running through the parking lot getting weird looks from people. I looked up and he looked down and our lips met.

"Love you babe," I said once again.

"Love you too," he smiled and then giggled adorably. We finally made it to the car and I opened the passenger door and set him in the car and then went around to the other side and got in to drive back to campus. We got there shortly and I collapsed on the bed. After he changed into some sweats he collapsed next to me. I turned off the lights and crawled under the covers. He did the same.

"Well, at least we didn't see the conjuring. I heard they had to have priests come in with holy waterwheel filming it was so bad." He looked at me terrified. He cuddled closer to me and i wrapped my arms around him and that's how we fell asleep. Completely satisfied with an amazing date.

A/N: if anyone is reading this you need to comment or vote or I'm going to end up deleting it :(

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