Chapter 18

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Kellins P.O.V (sorry I didn't update for awhile. Needed a break. Also pretend Vic is like 5'8 and Kellin is like 5'6. Pretty much opposite as to in real life.)

Vic surprised me with 1 week passes to Disney World after dinner last night. I freaked out and hugged him. We watched a movie and then went to bed. That's why I'm up now with Vic poking me in the face. I groaned not wanting to get out of bed. I grabbed a nearby pillow and wacked him.

"Kell if we don't go soon we aren't going to have enough time," he complained. I sighed and got up and got dressed. Vic pretty much dragged me towards the rental car. I think he's more excited then I was. Probably because I've never been and he's been a million times. He said he wants to show me everything. We drove off a couple hours towards Orlando. It's currently 8 in the morning. Maybe we should of got a hotel closer but we thought we were going to spend most of the time with Vics mom. 

After we went through security and checked in and everything we started walked through Animal Kingdom which is part of Disney world. Knowing me and how I usually am I wasn't too excited but I got to admit, it was really cool. All the lines to the rides were extremely long. Vic dragged me to the yeti roller coaster. I'm not to big on roller coasters. They always give me horrible panic attacks but Vic looked so happy, he does everything for me the least I could do was go on some small roller coaster. Even if it means freaking out in the middle of the ride.

We got in the line and waited. It was a huge line going through a bunch of different types of rooms. The line came to a stop for the fourth time and Vic took my hands in his. He looked me in they eye and pecked me on the lips. I ignored all the people glaring and covering their child's eye and focused on Vic. I've probably said this a million times but oh my god I can't even explain how I feel about him. I could list 100 reasons why he's perfect for me. I can't picture myself being with anyone else. After a second I pecked him once more, "I love you Viccy," I said in a cheesy tone.

"I love you too Kellybear," he said in the same tone as he pushed my cheeks together making me have a chubby duck face. I pulled his hands off and walked forward towards the roller coaster as they said it was our turn. I sat down in the very front row of cars. Me and Vic sat next to eachother and clicked on our seat belts and everything. I suddenly felt a wave of anxiety flash over me. I leant into Vic for safety as always. Vics kinda like my safety blanket, whenever he's with me I feel safe and like nothing can hurt me. He took my hand in his as we began to move.

At first it wasn't that bad but the track ended and we started going backwards. I squeezed Vics hand and freaked out even though it was part of the ride. I closed my eyes trying to not feel like my stomach was falling out and also trying not to cry. But by the time it was over tears were slipping down my eyes and I felt like I was going to throw up. I felt dizzy and couldn't get up even if I tried because I felt like I was going to fall over so Vic picked me up and I wrapped my legs around him and rested my head on his shoulder until we got to the bathrooms. I feel like I depend on Vic for everything and I'm making this horrible.

"Why didn't you tell me you hated roller coasters we could've went on something else?" He said in a soft concerned voice as I sat next to the toilet trying not to puke.

"I wanted to make you happy and to not be a problem but it didn't work," I said as I felt a wave of nausea come in. I puked in the toilet and Vic held my hair as he rubbed my back.

"Babe I've been on that ride like 30 times. This day is about you, not me." I nodded and wiped my mouth. I stood up feeling a bit better and we went towards the animal safari trip. Surprisingly there was no line. Only like 5 people. My eyes were still watery from crying. Before we got in line with all the people Vic took me aside to where no one was paying attention and held my face in his hand he wiped the tears away with the pad of his thumb which made me cry more. I don't know for some reason I felt depressed today so I couldn't stop crying. I don't know why we're fucking Disney world.

He pushed my head into his shoulder and I cried as he whispered calming things in my ear. "What's wrong Kell?" He asked me when I finally stopped crying.

"Nothing just depressed. I don't know," I replied unsure. Once again he wiped away my tears, he took my face in his hands and made me look up at him to kiss him. I kissed him back for a few minutes before the line started going in and we quickly walked in. He joined our hands together. I smiled and we got into the safari truck and started driving. I leaned into Vic and looked out the window. I love animals we drove past zebras, lions, cheetahs, giraffes, and hippos. Then we drove slowly past the elephants. Those are my favorites. They were really close and one made a noise. I giggled still leaning into Vic.

"Hey Vic he looks like me," I chuckled, talking about how big and fat he is. I honestly don't think I'm extremely fat but it's a funny comparison.

"No he doesn't there is a pretty big difference. You are small,"

He poked my hip.


He poked my stomach making me laugh because I'm ticklish.

"And hot as fuck," he whispered as he kissed my head. I moved my head up and kissed him real fast. But soon enough the ride came to an end. We got off and searched for a place to eat lunch.


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