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This book is finally finished thanks so much for reading! Please check out my other kellic. It's the only other one on my profile as of now so you'll find it ;)... this book is dedicated to the active comments because I love those: @kellic_shipper66 and Ains_the_panda ....... also my little cousin Scarlett who I picture to look similar to their kid :)

Kellins P.O.V. *2 1/2 years later*

I put the last of my clothes in the suitcase and headed back out to the living room where Vic was sitting on the floor playing with our 2 year old little girl Teagan. She was the cutest thing and I can't believe we've been lucky enough to have her. She's a little ball of sunshine. I set my suitcase down and watched for a minute without either of them noticing me. Vic was leaning up against the couch and Teagan was showing Vic all of her favorite toys.

"Teagan," vic cooed at her as she started running to her room, not noticing me standing in the kitchen. She ran back to the living room and jumped into Vics arms.

"What daddy?" She giggled. She was pretty good at talking for just being almost 3 years old.

"Me and mommy have to go bye bye for a long time," he said sadly as he tickled her. She laughed and rolled on the floor . I was kind of opposed to being called mommy at first. It was Vics idea but then she started calling me it all by herself.

"Why?" She asked Vic.

"we are going on our honeymoon that we never got to go on because somebody popped out a month early," she smiled but got distracted when she saw her elephant across the room. She was wearing a baby blue sundress with cute baby flip flops and her hair was in small pig tails. I decided to walk in so they would notice me.

"Mommy!" Teagan yelled and ran to me with her arms up signaling she wanted to be picked up. I lifted her into my arms and walked to the couch.

"Hey babe, you ready to go?" He questioned. I nodded sadly.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"I'm gonna miss my baby," I said and planted sweet kisses all over Teagans cheeks.

"We'll be back in 9 days. It will be fine. Plus, it's Hawaii. I don't think she would enjoy watching us have sex on a beach," he explained. I gasped dramatically and covered Teagans ears.

"Vic! There is a child in the room!" I whisper yelled and then uncovered her ears. I stood up and collected my suitcase. Vic grabbed his and our daughters and we headed over to Mike and Alyshas house to drop of Teagan. I didn't want to leave her so I cuddled her the whole way there. Screw it if the cops want her in the car seat.

Once we got there Mike and Alysha helped us with her and her stuff and they even had a little playpen here for her.

"Bye sweetie I'm gonna miss you," she started crying frantically.

"No mommy!" She said and gripped onto my neck for deer life. I took off my sunglasses and put them on the table for a minute.

"Me and daddy will be back very soon, ok?" Vic kneeled down next to me and gave our daughter a sweet hug and kiss. I did the same and sure enough we were out the door. I still heard her cries when I got to the car and I felt bad. I wanted to just stuff her in my suitcase and being her with us even though I'm pretty sure it's illegal.

"It's ok babe. It's our first break since she was born. Lets go have fun," I sighed.

"Ok let's go."

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