Chapter 13

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Vics P.O.V

I decided to come back to pick up Kellin a day well because I missed him. Isn't it crazy what a person or more so love can do to you? Make you miss someone that you just met 2 months ago like crazy. From what I've heard Kellin can never keep a relationship cause people can't have someone depending on them 24/7. But that jobs sorta yours when you start dating someone with schizophrenia.

They depend on you to help them up when they've fallen, help them with their constant anxiety and panic attacks. Everything. I've learned so much about schizophrenia since I started dating Kellin. Everyday I learn something new. Like for the past couple days he's been very clingy. Most people would probably find that annoying but I find it cute.

I called an uber after getting off the flight and he drove me to our dorm. Your probably wondering "Vic why do you and Kellin never go to your classes," me and Kell only have classes November-March. I unlocked the door with my key and walked in to find Kellin passed out on the bed with a bunch of tissues on the nightstand and on his pillow near his head.

I wanted to scare him a little but not completely so I crawled into bed with him and lightly wrapped my arms around him lovingly so he wouldn't freak out like her did that one time at the restaurant.

He didn't wake up but he rolled over on his back. He was shirtless so I planted small kisses all over his tummy. His eyes slowly opened up and he just stared at my while I kissed his stomach. He soon came to realization though and shit up and hugged me.

"Oh my god Vic," his voice was all raspy from just waking up and probably a little bit from crying. I was sitting criss cross. His hands were tightly wrapped around my neck, His feet were tightly wrapped around my waist, and his head was rested on my shoulder, "don't ever leave me again," he cried. I stood up but he made no move to get off so I just sat on the nearby couch. I heard him sniffle his nose cutely.

I grabbed his hands and pushed his chest away from mine so I could see his face clearly, "Baby, it's ok I'm right here. Plus I was only gone for four days." I told him.

"I-I know but it felt like so much longer and I don't have anyone else that cares about me as much as you do so I want to be with you all the time," he sobbed. I brushed his tears away with my thumbs.

"Sweetie listen, I can't always be with you. I hate to say it but something bad could happen or we could break up.. It's fine for now but we need to teach you how to be away from me. You can't become so attached to someone that you can't let them out of sight," I explained. It's true. We've only been dating for 2 months and he's already not wanting me to leave his sight. He started sobbing harder.

"Y-you're mad at me," he cried unit my shirt. I sighed. Oh my god he's like a pregnant woman. I pet his hair and hushed him.

"No I'm not mad I'm just trying to explain that I can't always be here." I informed him.

"I know," he said. He stopped sobbing but stayed put.

"Would it make you feel better if I sang you my other new song?" I asked. He nodded his head and I carried him back towards the bed. I set him down and he wiped his tears with the sleeves of his sweatshirt. I unzipped my guitar case and started singing kissing in cars. Ever since I met Kellin I've been having song inspiration like crazy. I have enough songs to make 2 albums. My favorites so far are the ones about Kellin though. Kissing in cars, Yeah boy and doll face, and bulletproof love. I finished the last sentence of the song. He looked much happier but his nose was still runny.

"I've actually been thinking. I don't know if I wanna do this anymore," I said to him.

"Do what?" He asked.

"You know this," I unstrapped my guitar and pointed to the room around us, "college."

"Oh?" He replied. I could tell he was confused, "what would you do then?"

"I wanna be a singer," I informed him.

"I actually do too. But I suck at singing." He told me.

"I'm sure you don't," I started strumming my guitar, "sing something." He nodded and then looked down at his lap. He started singing Iris by the goo goo dolls and his voice was honestly heaven. I've never heard anything like it.

"And I'd give up forever to touch you. Cause I know that you feel me somehow. You're the closest to heaven that I'll ever be and I don't wanna go home right now and all I can taste is this moment and all I can feel is your life and sooner or later it's over. I just don't want to miss you tonight." He stopped and I just stood there in awe.

"Kell you don't suck you're amazing." I told him and then I pecked him on the lips.

"Well that's one person. I could never be a singer." He said.

"Sure you could. In fact let's pick out an apartment right now. I'm sick of going to school for something my parents wanted me to do. Sure it's my moms "dying wish" but what's the point if I'm not happy?" I explained.

"Don't worry I get it. I feel the same way." He assured me. He got out his laptop and we started looking for nearby apartments.

"Love you Viccy,"

"I love you too Kell,"

We favorited a few apartments and set a time to meet a realtor the next day. I don't know why we scheduled it for the next day cause we have a flight at 5 PM but oh well.  It's worth it to have a place to live with the person I love.

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