Chapter 15

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Would anyone be in the mood for smut next chapter? Btw I'm estimating this to be around 30 chapters

Vics P.O.V

As we rushed towards the security to get onto the plane I looked back at Kellin and caught him looking at me. I didn't say anything about right now or about earlier when he was pretty much ignoring me. He seemed to be fine now though. When I first met Kellin I knew I wanted to be with him. Even when he told me I he had schizophrenia. I knew all the responsibilities you had to have when you dated someone like that. I honestly thought it would be way harder to date him. But Kellin, Kellins perfect in every way. I love him.

We entered security and I took off my hat and set my suitcase on the thing that rolls through the detector. Kellin did the same. We handed the man our ticket and headed towards the plane. We still had an hour before we had to be on the plane so we went to the Starbucks in the airport lobby. I sat down and handed Kellin a 20 dollar bill.

"Go get me a caramel frappe and you can get whatever you want," he smiled and nodded and then walked to the ordering line. I stared at his ass until he was out of sight. I turned away ignoring what I just thought to myself.

5 minutes later he came back with what looked like a smores frap and my caramel frap plus he had a blueberry muffin that was split in two. He handed me half and my drink. I took a drink before he started talking.

"I saw you staring at my ass, perv," he chuckled.

"I can't help it," I told him. He smiled and lightly smacked my head.

"Jeez Kell, you're so mean to me," I fake pouted. By the time we were done teasing eachother we had finished our drinks and muffin so we put them in the trash can and headed towards our flight.

"Ok it's gate G and flight 19," I told him he looked around and pointed to the G area we rushed towards it lugging our suitcases behind us. We handed the lady the other part of our ticket and went onto the plane. We were lucky because we had a 3 seater but we would be the only ones in it.

"Can I have the window seat?" I asked. He nodded and put his suitcase and mine up in the storage compartment. I sat down by the window and put buckled as I put the blinds up. I lifted the arm rest that was separating us and he laid his head on my shoulder. He told me earlier he doesn't like planes so he slipped his headphones in and fell asleep. I just stared at the ground as we lifted up and went up past the clouds. About a half an hour later I also fell asleep.


After about 3 hours we landed. I shook Kellin awake and he took his headphones out and slipped them in his backpack. We walked out and towards the exit and I looked around for my dad or my brother. Mike flew down here yesterday and he brought Tony. Our parents don't even know that he's gay yet. I think he is planning to tell mom today.

I saw my dad and my brother out of the corner of my eye and went over to them Kellin following close behind. I prayed to God that my dad wouldn't be an asshole to Kellin. Unlike me Kellin wouldn't be able to handle his rude remarks.

"Hey dad," I said as sweetly as possible. I'm still irritated at him for scaring off my last boyfriend. But if he didn't I wouldn't have met Kellin, "this is my boyfriend Kellin," I finished.

"Oh so you're still a fag?" I sighed and just ignored him. I came here for mom not him.

"I'm going to go to the bathroom real fast. Kell you stay here with Mike," he nodded and I dragged my suitcase to the bathroom, did my business, and then headed back to where I remembered them standing. When I got there only my dad was standing there.

"Where'd Kells and Mike go?" I asked him beginning to get worried. He shrugged and looked back to his phone. I looked around and finally saw Mike and Kellin on one of the waiting chairs and Kellin was crying. He never cries in front of people. There has to be something wrong. I jogged over and heard Mike coaxing him to calm down.

"Mike I've got it from here," he nodded and started walking away towards my father.

"Kell what happened I was gone for 2 minutes?" I questioned as I rubbed his back soothingly. He sniffled his nose.

"Y-You're dad told me to go kill myself. M-Maybe I should." He replied hesitantly.

"I'm sorry Kell," I said and got up and jogged back to the asshole I called a father. He didn't see me come towards him. The more I looked at him the higher my anger rose and before I knew it my fist collided with his face. Mostly his nose. Blood poured out of his nose and people stared but I didn't care. My dad wouldn't press charges. If he did I could tell them what he did to me and he would also get arrested. I grabbed my suitcase and was about to walk back towards Kellin but I turned back around. He was still holding his nose.

"You know what? Fuck you. Kellin is already suicidal and depressed enough as it is. We don't need more people intruding on those thoughts. Do you know how severe his disorder is? No you don't so I don't want you to talk to him ever again on this trip unless its something nice. Understand?" I explained sternly. He nodded.

"May I ask what disorder?" He asked me.

"No ask Mike I need to go make sure Kell is okay."

I jogged back over to Kell with the suitcases and comforted him until he stopped crying. Mike and my dad already left so I called a taxi and we left towards the hotel. I need to prepare Kellin for a whole 2 weeks of homophobic, mean statements.

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