Chapter 20

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          "One black coffee and a glazed donut." I sat them on the table in front of one of my regulars, a gruff looking man in a tan coat who sat reading the paper front to back every day at the same table until his shift started.

          "Thanks Evie." He said.

           Taste Teas was crowded with students from the college taking their breaks and chattering about heavy course loads, tiny dorms, and professors they either loved or loathe. Jackson was behind the counter taking orders while Pasha was brewing coffees, teas, and smoothies.

               I was busy delivering those orders to patrons waiting eagerly at tables and busing tabletops. Later I would still have to pour over the ledger and try to abracadabra some money back into the budget lest we run out of funds to restock the pantry, but for now I was content to simply work through the day.

             Was Alice right? Could I afford to hire a manager for this place and start a second business? Better yet I could train Pasha to take over the managerial duties, and then hire a new barista to take her place. Maybe even two...

             But not today.

              "Ma'am," said a small voice behind me. "Um, I was wondering, um, how much longer it would be for my chocolate chai?"

                "Hold on, I'll check."

                 As I was weaving through the crowd, I heard the bell above the entrance jingle and peered between a group of loiters to see Mrs. Seoh's face trying to peek around the bodies.

                When she saw me her shrill voice called above the crowd, "Evie! Hello! Do you have a table for me?"

                I could run. I could go out the back door and keep running until I hit the next county and never look back. Then it would be a simple matter of changing my identity and starting a new life...

                  Instead I put a smile on my face and walked over to where she stood—with a whole crew of little old Korean ladies. "Mrs. Seoh. What are you doing here?"

                   "The other day I was sitting and talking with my dear friend Mrs. Jeong –this is her—and I told her about your tea!"

                     Oh no.

                    "And so today we thought we'd stop by to have some." The corners of her mouth just barely twitched upward. She'd probably laughed with her old biddy crew on the way. She knew I didn't have what she wanted but she also knew I'd be damned before I conceded defeat on the matter.

                     "Of course," I said behind a faux smile. "I just cleaned a table that can seat all five of you. Right this way."

                       I sat them at the large circular table that faced the windows. Sunlight streaked through, bathing the older women in an uncharacteristically cheerful glow. "Take some time to look over the menu."

                           "We don't need too," said one I wasn't familiar with. "We want the tea."

                           "The tea...right. Let me just go get it. From the back shelf--it might take me a while."

                           "We have time."

                            Of course she did. The Devil never dies.

                             I stole Yuna's bike and peddled my way towards Yi's Market, my legs crying in pain the whole way. When I walked in he didn't say anything, just stared at me from behind his counter--a slight smirk playing at his lips. I hurried to the back of the store--got lost somehow and turned back. When I did find the little red berries I was both relieved and furious.

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