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A/N: 3+ Comments 3+ Votes for the next chapter!
Also, I turn 19 today (May 27th) So I'll try to upload in the next few days after the festivities end for the weekend! :) xo 


Adelaide was taking a break.

For the first time in what felt like forever she stopped worrying long enough to sit down and read, Proper intense, hours-pass-by-in-a-second reading. Ever since she was a child Adelaide had a thirst for knowledge that couldn't be sated; more than once someone had told her that her knowledge would one day get her killed.

She supposed they weren't exactly wrong. Her knowledge of Valentine had technically got her killed. Alec had filed the death certificate.

Adelaide grimaced at the thought.

Even Magnus was more relaxed today is seemed. But perhaps that had less to do with secrets being out in the open and more to do with the attractive male vampire she'd spotted sneaking out that morning. Adelaide sniggered to herself at the thought.

Adelaide raised her eyebrow at Magnus as he exited his bedroom, a large smirk taking over her face.

Magnus caught sight of the smirking girl and promptly rolled his eyes. 'Don't even start with me sunshine.' He pointed his finger at her accusingly.

Adelaide laughed. 'Oh c'mon Magnus, let me live vicariously through you. It's not like I have any semblance of a love life.' She scoffed, her tone light and teasing.

This time it was Magnus' turn to smirk. 'There's no one you have your eye on?' Magnus' tone was full of false disbelief as he eyed the young shadowhunter.

Adelaide rolled her eyes. 'No Magnus'

'Well,' Magnus started, 'I can think of a certain male shadowhunter that could be a candidate...'

Adelaide knew what he was hinting at. 'Don't even start with me sunshine.' She mimicked in a poor imitation of his voice, dropping onto the couch with a huff.

Magnus pouted and then laughed. 'You know what they say my dear, hate sex is the best sex.'

Adelaide was pulled out of the relaxed state she'd been in all day by a shrill ringing.

Magnus, seated across from her, raised a suspicious eyebrow at her. No one ever called her phone anymore.

'Hello?' She asked warily

'I think we have a problem.'


'I don't like this.' Adelaide spoke as she hugged her jacket around her tightly. The male in front of her laughed at her discomfort.

'If you joined us, you'd never feel the cold again.'

Adelaide wrinkled her nose in distaste. 'I'll pass.'

She did her best to shake off the cold seeping into her bones.

'Why did you call me, Raphael?'

Raphael's humorous expression sobered. 'Are you alone?'

'Just me, myself and I pretty boy. Magnus isn't here.'

Raphael's shoulders relaxed slightly at her words.

'Come with me.'

'Whoa – you expect me to walk into a vamp nest? When Camille is hanging around?'

Raphael rolled his eyes. 'Camille isn't here, otherwise you'd already be dead.'

Adelaide scoffed. 'I'd like to see her try.'

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