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A/N! 3+ Comments and votes for the next chapter!
Thank you for the lovely feedback! I just want to hug you all for taking a chance and reading this book!
I really loved that some of you liked that Adelaide gave herself up for Izzy rather than reveal herself to everyone at Alec's wedding!
I also can't believe some of you are rereading this book! That's crazy! :) xo
Guess which episode comes into play next chapter? ;) 


Adelaide's announcement was followed by silence.

It was so quiet that you could hear a pin drop until, seemingly all at once, the chatter broke out amongst the watching audience. Alec snuck a glance at Magnus wondering if this was some last minute plan he wasn't aware of, but the anger simmering in Magnus' yellow eyes was enough to confirm to Alec that Adelaide was doing this all on her own.

He couldn't quite squash the rising panic and worry for Adelaide that rose in his chest, and as he caught his sisters glance across the room he could tell that she felt the same.

'Quiet! Be quiet! All of you!'

Imogen Herondale screamed from her position on the raised podium as she stared at the younger dark haired shadowhunter who stared defiantly back at her with her shoulders squared, her stance strong and powerful and her expression serious and blank.

Magnus snapped his fingers and a sound like a gunshot rang around the room, startling the people present into a tense, almost excited, silence.

Adelaide hadn't moved and she couldn't bring herself to glance behind her at where she could feel Alec and Magnus' gazes boring into her back. Despite her efforts, Adelaide and Izzy's eyes met and Adelaide could see the fear there. As the girls watched each other, Isabelle gave an almost imperceptible shake of her head that told Adelaide she didn't agree with what she had just done.

Surprise had been key. Adelaide couldn't think of telling Magnus, Alec or Isabelle what she was doing, even if they had of let her put her plan into motion. If the inquisitor suspected the Lightwoods or Magnus of helping her, there would be hell to pay.

Adelaide had successfully saved them the scrutiny. By not telling them what she was up to, the surprise and anger at her appearance was genuine, far more genuine than any acting would be, no matter how good each of them were at it.

'You're telling me that you are Valentine Morgenstern's daughter?' the inquisitor's words were clipped.

Adelaide tried not to roll her eyes. 'That is what I said. Yes.'

'That isn't possible.' The older woman denied. 'Valentine Morgenstern and Jocelyn Fairchild had one son years ago and Jocelyn gave birth to Clarissa in hiding. If you are their child, where do you fit into that timeframe?'

Adelaide raised an eyebrow. 'You haven't considered the possibility of twins?'

The inquisitor seemed to pale. 'Twins? You and Clarissa-'

Adelaide shook her head before she could finish speaking. 'No. Not Clary. Jonathan.'

Adelaide heard a sharp intake of breath from someone watching the tense exchange.

'You were reported missing more than a year ago. You were declared deceased.' The inquisitor stated, her accusatory stare not leaving Adelaide.

'Yes I was. But then again, so was my Father.'

Alec felt Magnus tense next to him. It had been the wrong thing to say. Adelaide comparing herself to Valentine would only give the Clave more reason to punish her, more reason to hate her.

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