TMI - Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

In the girls' locker room, Bailey blotted and dabbed and rubbed and wiped at the red streaks all over her True Religion jeans that had cost all of her birthday money, which Meg would totally have a cow about if she knew and Bailey wasn't about to press Play on that song. Meg never spent her money unless it was for art supplies. She was all about saving for college and the future and — and her freakin' retirement. Meg was always planning, planning, planning and wasn't happy unless she had plans for her plans. Hell, even breaking up with Simon was a Meg Plan!

Her heart hurt when she thought of it. Simon looked so sad under all that tough guy acting. Maybe Meg was wrong. Maybe Simon had a really good reason for flirting with what's-her-face. He was so pretty, with his blond hair, blue eyes and movie star life. She'd believed him when he told her she was hot. She'd believed him when he told her she was the only girl in his life. He'd been the one who got her hooked on video games back in ninth grade — first, Halo, then Call of Duty, and after that, Portal. When Bailey showed not just interest, but actual skill, Simon finally asked her out this semester and she fell with a splat.

He was so cool on their first date. He did all those gentlemanly things like held doors open and pulled out chairs and he never tried any moves. He took her to a nice restaurant, asked her a bunch of questions, and really listened to her answers. He walked her to do her door, asked if he could see her again, and promised to call. She'd walked inside, up the stairs to her room, flipped on the light and her phone buzzed. He told her he had a great time and couldn't wait to ask her to breakfast the next morning. Swooning, Bailey agreed. The next morning, he picked her up, drove to Bailey's favorite game store, and handed her a bagel while they waited for the doors to open. Meg thought that was lame but Bailey deemed it the perfect date. That was when he kissed her for the first time. Oh, that kiss! She brushed her lips, not surprised they still tingled. It was amazing and romantic and perfect and every date was just like that one. They'd been great together. Or so she'd thought.

And then, somewhere along the line, he'd stopped respecting her. Little things at first... so little, Bailey hadn't even noticed them. Things like snapping at her, teasing her, rolling his eyes at the things she'd said. But Meg noticed. And Meg didn't take any crap from anybody. It was one of the things Bailey loved most about her best friend — and also the least.

She frowned at herself for the traitorous thought. She'd first seen Meg's courage that day back in second grade's Bring Your Dad to School Day. There were a bunch of kids in their class who didn't have dads. Bailey didn't, so she asked Gramps, but he had to work, and there was no way her Mom's skeevy boyfriend would show up even if she did want him to, so Gran came instead. Instead of being grateful, Bailey nearly threw a tantrum because she'd be the only kid there without a male guest. Abby brought her uncle. Karla brought her big brother. Marc had his mom's boyfriend with him and Shane, a pudgy kid with a buzz cut, brought his grandpa, who was also chubby and had a buzz cut. Everyone without a dad had brought someone — except Megan. And she stood up there in the front of that classroom and told everyone her dad was there, even though they couldn't see him.

He was watching from heaven.

Bailey thought that was the bravest thing she'd ever seen and told Megan that at recess, when she'd shared her cookies because Meg didn't have a snack. Over the years, she'd come to rely on Meg's courage to say what needed to be said, even when she didn't want to hear it. But Simon wasn't that pair of yoga pants Meg warned her not to buy. He was the love of her life and now, he wasn't.

Oh, she shouldn't have listened to Meg! She should have talked to Simon, worked things out, but it was too late. He'd never speak to her again. She'd been so sure Simon was The One. Guys never stuck by her for very long. Meg said it was because Bailey was too nice and that guys appreciated a little strong will once in a while.

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