TMI - Chapter 16

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Bailey dumped bags of conference swag all over her bed, and wondered where Chase had found that comic panel pad. That would have been cool to buy. She could have used it for game design. Speaking of Chase, she twirled a curl and thought about the way he and Meg had acted today. Meg was mad. No, that’s not right. She was off-center. She’d been hyper-aware of Chase, her eyes tracking him throughout the venue. Bailey doubted Meg was even aware of that. Something was different — it was like their connection had gotten stronger somehow. When had that happened? She should have paid closer attention, but she’d been so caught up with Ryder and keeping him a secret that she’d neglected Meg.

Bailey hoped that hugging Chase at McDonald’s that night was what — finally — opened Meg’s eyes. She rubbed her hands together. Now, all she had to do was get Meg to admit her feelings for Chase.

It wouldn’t be easy. Bailey laughed, amused by her understatement.

She paused in her swag sorting and then grabbed her phone when inspiration struck. She didn’t even bother to text; she just called Chase.

“Hey, what’s up?”

She had to play this just right. “I wanted to thank you.”

“Oh, no sweat. I had fun—”

“No, not I-Con. I wanted to thank you for taking care of Meg and for baking that incredible cake.”

Chase’s voice got a little deeper. “She was pretty upset with you.”

There it was. “I know. I’m glad you were there for her when she needed you. So, thanks.”

“I didn’t do it for you.”

Bailey didn’t doubt that for a second. “I know. I got a little dazed. It’s hard not to,” she admitted.

Chase groaned. “Okay, spare me the details. Just, you know, don’t leave her out, okay? She worries about you and that really bugs her.”

Oh, does it? Bailey grinned and did her best to sound solemn. “I promise.”

She ended the call, tossed the phone to her bed and paced, wondering just how many ways there were to make Meg mad enough at her that she’d turn to Chase for comfort. It worked once, it could work again, especially now that the door had been opened. All she needed was a way —

She froze when an excellent idea hit her. Oh, this would seriously fry Meg’s bacon. Could she be this devious? Bailey picked up her phone and texted Ryder.

Bailey: Hi!

Ryder: So how did you like I-CON?

Bailey: Awesome! Met the Zelda team.

Ryder: NO WAY!

Bailey: Hand to God! Got autographs, got some samples. It was cool. Wish you could have come with us.

Ryder: Yeah, me2. Woulda been perfect 1st date.

Bailey pressed both hands to her mouth. First date? Oh God, could he be any cuter?

Bailey: Why perfect?

Ryder: ‘cuz u luv gaming

Bailey: Yeah, but what about you?

Ryder: 1st dates R 4 impressing the girl

Bailey: LOL. Tell that to my 10th grade BF. He rented a movie.

Ryder: Lame!

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