TMI -Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

Meg was going nuts one brain cell at a time.

It had been a week. Seven whole days.

At first, it was little stuff, things she could easily dismiss as crankiness, forgetfulness — or even PMS. For about five minutes, she thought Bailey might have been organizing a birthday party for her, even though she'd told her — repeatedly — that she didn't want one. But then, Bailey hadn't been on the bus. Or at their usual lunch table. Meg was forced to face facts — Bailey was avoiding her. Even Chase had been M.I.A., which is exactly what she wanted but still — it hurt.

Why? What had she done? Okay, sure, she wasn't exactly overjoyed at the idea of poring over old yearbooks but she'd promised. Bailey would know that giving her word meant something to Meg. Or at least she should. So what reason would Bailey have to avoid her?

Not even after that time back in seventh grade when she'd accidentally blurted out the news that Bailey had gotten her period in front of a bus stop full of boys, had Bailey actually avoided her. Sure, she'd pulled her hair and screeched that she'd hated her and would never speak to her again but didn't go a whole week without speaking to her. In fact, by the end of that day, it had been forgiven and forgotten. Why? Why, damn it? What had she done? They hadn't argued; they hadn't even disagreed except for the way Meg treated —


It was Chase. It had to be. Megan came to a screeching halt in the middle of the main corridor, forcing a freshman to skirt around her with a squeak of shoes on the waxed floor. Students hurried to class, others rifled through lockers, announcements blared over the P.A. system, but Meg didn't notice. Bailey wanted Chase but didn't know how to tell her. Meg blinked the Green Envy from her eyes. She'd said no to Chase repeatedly; it was none of her business if he wanted to hook up with Bailey. She would let Bailey off the hook — give them her blessing.

No matter how much it killed her.

Meg blinked the Green Envy from her eyes and waited at Bailey's locker Thursday morning, trying not to flinch when Bailey slowed at the sight of her. "Hey."

"Hey!" Bailey managed a smile with tight lips that showed no teeth and Meg's face burned.

Swallowing hard, Meg hoped her voice would sound casual. "Missed you."

Bailey frowned. "Right. I was supposed to call you. Sorry about that. I had some other stuff to take care of. What about TVD tonight? Can you come by after work?" She fished her cell out of her bag, not looking Meg in the face.

Meg went still. "Bailey, I was let go, remember?"

Bailey clicked some buttons on her phone and shut it before sliding it into her bag. "Oh. Yeah, right. I forgot."

Meg shook her head slowly from side to side. Bailey would forget things like homework assignments and term paper due dates, but plans with friends, things like lost jobs? No. Deep in Meg's heart, a battle went on. Part of it just wanted to shrivel up in a ball. But another part kept insisting there was no way Bailey would be — could possibly be — cruel. Maybe it had nothing to do with Chase. Was Simon still harassing her? The thought gave her hope and she laid a hand on Bailey's arm, gave a little squeeze.

"Bay. Are you okay?"

She gave Meg a stunned smile. "I'm great. Gotta go!"

Meg stared after her, jaw dangling.

She tried again at lunch, even though Bailey hadn't been sitting at their usual spot. Meg caught up to her by her locker again, trying hard not to say anything when Bailey stuffed all her text books inside, even though she'd need two of them for her after lunch classes. "Bailey, you want to hit the mall tomorrow?"

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