Chapter 1- Harry- Rehearsals

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“You want some more to drink?” Harry asked in his raspy voice as he turned to his girlfriend. In his hand was a glass full of wine.

Tori thought for a moment, scrunching her nose. “Sure,” She took the glass from his hand. “I've got nowhere to go, right?” She said in her adorable American accent.

“Absolutely not,” Harry grinned at her as he sat next to her on his huge king sized bed. They both took sips of their drinks as they looked outside the four glass walls of Harry's section of the sky scraper. He had all three floors to himself (and Tori, when she came over) and he shared the rest of the 60 stories with the lads and a few other people that worked there.

The sky scraper over looked New York City in all it's night time glory. It really was breath taking to see the buildings twinkling in the darkness. It was like seeing the stars scattered across the ground. Harry smiled at the view and took another drink.

“It's beautiful, isn't it?” Tori said quietly, staring out the windows.

Harry looked at her. “Yeah you are,” He said. Before she could say anything else, Harry reached around and kissed her on the lips. He could taste her lip gloss as their kiss deepened quite quickly. Harry took the glass out of Tori's hands and set it on his night stand as Tori laid down on the bed, Harry was now on all fours on top of her.

They kissed like that for a while, enjoying the feeling of each others lips before Harry started to kiss down her jaw and neck. Tori gripped his toned biceps as he did so.

The shrill sound of Harry's phone ringing made them both jump. Harry sighed as he looked over at it, sitting next to the wine.

“Don't answer it,” Tori pleaded, grabbing his arm a little harder to keep him where he was.

“I have to,” He said, getting off the bed and grabbing his phone. “They'll be even more cross if I don't.” He pressed the answer button and wasn't even able to get out a “Hello?” before he heard “You are late and Simon is pissed,”

“I know, Louis,” Harry said, running a finger through his curls. “I forgot we had rehearsals tonight. I'll be there in a bit.”

“You'd better,” Was all Louis could say before Harry hung up.

“Please don't go,” Tori said behind him.

“I wish I didn't have to, babe,” He said, sitting next to her on the bed again and taking her hand. “But it's really important that I do.”

“I know,” She sighed, tracing random lines on the back of his hand. “But I hate how late it always is for you to rehearse. And you don't get in 'til, like, three in the morning. And you're always exhausted. Can't Simon schedule you guys for an earlier time to do that?”

Harry chuckled. “No. He's a very busy man and he wants to be able to see how were getting on every time.” Tori didn't look up as she continued to doodle on his hand. “But, hey,” He added. “I've got tomorrow off so we can do what ever you want,”

Tori finally looked at him, biting her lip to keep from smiling too big. “Promise?” She said, raising an eyebrow.

“Promise,” He kissed her on the forehead. “But I have to go now. I'll see you tomorrow?”

Tori let out a laugh and crossed her arms over her chest. “I'm not leaving so you'll see me when you get back.”

“Ok, I love you.” Harry said as he started to stand up.

Tori grabbed his shirt collar and planted a kiss on his lips. “I love you, too. And I'm counting on tomorrow,” She threatened when she pulled away.

I'll Be Superhuman (One Direction Fanfiction)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz