Chapter 7- Liam- Fear

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Liam stopped beating up the punching bag and moved on over to the weapons rack. He picked up the broadsword and expertly swung it through the air, making it ring with every slice. He tried a few combos as he took careful steps around the room. His mind drifted back to when he had decided to give up his life in his hometown and join Xavier and Simon. He wanted to save people. That's all he wanted to do.

Liam's mouth twitched into a smile as he remembered the first time he had saved someone.

* * *

They had already been living in New York City for a couple months. Niall was just starting his training. They had moved there because Simon bought a skyscraper that was better equipped for what they needed now that they were half way there to Simon's five hero goal.

Liam had been walking by one of the rooms one night when he heard a heated discussion between the two scientists on the other side.

“-I let Louis join because I knew how important he was to you,” Xavier seethed. “But letting in one of his friends just because he batted his eyelashes at you and asked politely? No. That has gone too far!”

“Xavier,” Simon's usually calm voice was taking on a darker tone. “I knew Niall would be a good member of this team ever since I met him years ago! Don't you dare think that I have clouded judgment just because of my godson.”

“But you do!” Xavier exclaimed. “Ever since that boy showed up, he's all you've ever talked about and it's been taking away from your studies.”

“Louis has not been distracting me from my studies, Xavier. Do not ever tell me he is a distraction,” Liam was surprised by how sharp Simon's voice had gotten. Who could blame him, though? Simon was not one to just stand there and let himself or someone else be insulted like that.

Xavier sighed and Liam wondered why he was still standing there, listening to their conversation. It wasn't like him. “Simon, I think it's time you let me take over this experiment. You're getting older and I feel like I can benefit this team. Just let me find the last two and you can go off somewhere with Louis and Niall and live a normal life.”

There was a moment of silence and Liam could feel Simon's rage rolling off of him and seeping from underneath the door. “I want you out of here, Xavier.” The dark tone of Simon's voice made Liam start to shake.

“What?” Xavier sounded appalled.

“You heard me. Ever since I brought up this idea of superhumans, you've been nothing but power hungry! I no longer need your help in this experiment. I want you out.”

Now Liam felt anger coming off both the men. He started to slowly back away, wanting to be far from the rage that had started to suffocate him.

“Fine," Xavier said in a clipped tone. Then his voice lowered and Liam had to strain to hear the next part. "But mark my words, Simon Cowell. I will make you regret this day. I swear to God I will. Watch your back from now on.” The door flew open and Xavier started to walk out, his face was beet red. “One day, I will-” He stopped and saw Liam who was still slowly making a retreat. The dark look the scientist gave him made Liam shrink back into the corner like a caged animal. His lip curled into a snarl and he gave the boy a deadly glare. “Out of my way,” He spat. Liam did as he was told and Xavier stormed past him. The amount of emotion the man was producing made the hairs on Liam's arms stand on end.

Liam heard a sigh from the doorway and looked back to see Simon watching him. If Liam hadn't heard the argument moments before, he wouldn't have guessed Simon was upset. The man was so calm and collective all the time, it was almost unerving!

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