Chapter 36- One Direction- ZAP!

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It's such a strange feeling, dying. Niall observed as he laid on the road. The colors of everything around him seemed to soften slightly. The edges of his vision blurred and everything moved in slow motion, smearing the colors a little. It was like looking at a water color painting.

Niall stayed immobile where he was, gasping for air and trying not to choke on the blood in his mouth. He couldn't even lift his hands to try and stop his stomach from bleeding. He stared up at the sky, tears streaming down his sweaty face and accepted the fact that he was going to die. The sky was pretty, though. It was very blue, a few little clouds dotted across it and the sun felt warm on his skin. It was kind of a perfect day.

“Niall!” A voice said. It was hard to hear. His shock had made everything sound muffled, like he was listening through a glass plated room. Niall's eyes shifted slightly to the side and he saw his friends running at him in blurred, slow motion. All around them, X's army started to swarm them. Niall wanted to shout at them to leave him alone and fight without him. He didn't want Mr. X to take them, but Niall's mind felt just as slow as the people moving around him.

Liam reached him first. He dropped to his knees and put his hands over Niall's wound. Something seemed to awaken Niall for a moment. His back arched and he screamed at the overwhelming pain Liam reminded him of in his stomach. Liam instantly cringed back at Niall's reaction, his brown eyes wide and brimming with tears.

Niall dropped back onto the ground, gasping even harder, sweating even more, and bleeding profusely. Louis was suddenly by his side, pushing Liam- who held his bloodied hands close to his chest so not to hurt Niall again- to the side slightly to give him some room. Niall looked at Liam and saw behind him, Danielle was charging up to him, sword drawn. Niall was about to warn him, but a chain wrapped around the dancer's waist and jerked her backwards before she could make her deadly blow.

Liam heard the sound and turned to see Zayn holding the girl down. The dark skinned boy looked up and saw the advancing army all marching towards them. He turned to say something to Liam, but Niall couldn't hear it. Liam nodded and Zayn turned his attention back to Danielle. He shook his head and said something to her. He looked apologetic and maybe he even said he was sorry. Danielle looked at him savagely, but Zayn raised the ball end of his kusarigama and hit her in the head, knocking her out before she was able to do anything. Zayn untangled her and dragged her limp body to the sidewalk before he turned his attention back to the soldiers. Liam, too, stood and pulled out his broadsword.

“It's going to be ok, Niall,” Louis' muffled voice told him. Niall looked back and saw Lou's teary blue eyes staring back at his. Harry made his blurry way towards the team now, his hand touching Louis' back before he crouched on the other side of Niall.

“Do you need any help?” Harry's equally muffled voice asked the brunette. Louis didn't say anything. He took a deep breath and placed his hand directly on Niall's wound, making him arch his back and scream all over again. Harry gently placed his hands on Niall, trying to keep him from thrashing around.

Louis was quickly enveloped in blue, and it seeped over to Niall's body. It made the pain go away a little. Enough to make Niall relax slightly, but it didn't seem to be doing much after that.

Niall, still knowing he was dying, looked back up to the sky, unable to watch his friends fight for him. He felt like he was having an out of body experience and suddenly, he was up in the sky, looking at the battle below him. Zayn thrashed madly at the soldiers, Liam at his side. Louis and Harry were sitting next to Niall's body, trying to keep him alive. The two boys fought like mad men, hacking and slicing at any android that came too close to the rest of the group. It was like the soldiers really were trying to kill them all now.

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