Long Time No See

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Hey guys! I'm kinda back! I've been going through some things these past 4 years and I've been struggling to revise this story into something that can be published one day. In the past 6 months I have started dating my wonderful girlfriend, who is also a writer, and has been pushing and encouraging me in every way shape and form to continue writing.
I've made- what I consider- a pretty good amount of progress in the past month on my revision and I will be posting chapters again soon! This time with all new characters, backgrounds, and personalities and struggles. I've been working hard to make my story more diverse and relatable to reach out to a larger audience than just One Direction fans and I'm really looking forward to having my readers feedback on it as I publish each chapter here on Wattpad. I have read through every single one of your comments, seen your likes and messages, and it only pushes and motivates me even more to write this new revision for all of you!
It will still be some time before I start uploading the chapters, but I hope you enjoy reading it as much as I have enjoyed designing this world for you all to see.
Thank you all so much for the endless love you have given to my writing these past years. It's because of you that I have been able to keep this idea alive.

I'll Be Superhuman (One Direction Fanfiction)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora