Chapter 14- Niall

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They had to sneak Niall out of the hospital. If Louis concentrated hard enough, he was able to turn the both of them invisible and they all walked out of the front doors. Xavier walked a few paces behind everyone else. He seemed to have calmed down a little bit, but the set of his jaw let Niall know that he was still angry about what was going to happen to him.

Louis told him about the machine. He explained that it had helped Liam's kidney and can heal basically anything. Even- they hoped- Niall's brain tumor. Louis also told him that it would give him powers like them; that he would have to join their slow growing team if he chose to go into the pod. Niall was told he wasn't allowed to see his family anymore if he did.

Niall thought for a moment. If he didn't take this opportunity, he would surely die. If he did, his family would never know what happened to him and spend the rest of their lives worried sick. He decided he was going to do it. Maybe one day, he'll see them again...

He never told them goodbye. They never came back from whatever it was they were doing. They were going to walk into an empty hospital room and wonder what happened to him. And they weren't going to stop wondering...

Niall pulled himself from his thoughts. No. He couldn't think about those things. If he didn't sneak away, his mum and dad would be one son short. This way, they still had him. Even if they didn't know it.

They were out in the open now. Simon waved down a cab and he, Niall, and Louis all piled in. Liam and Xavier found another and took that one. Louis and Niall were both visible. Niall had changed into his regular clothes so nobody would see him in his hospital gown.

The cabs took them to a different side of town and they stopped in front of an old, rundown sky scraper. Simon had explained before they even left the hospital that he and Xavier had bought the place to renovate it and make it like their own head quarters. This was going to be Niall's new home.

It didn't look like much. It was mostly made of glass, or Niall assumed so. Most of the windows were busted and shattered. The ones that had survived the city life were dusty and tagged with spray paint from neighborhood gangs.

They all walked inside and it looked just the same as the outside: Dirty, and filthy, and littered with glass from broken beer bottles and half smoked cigarettes and joints. The building was mostly a skeleton. Niall could look up and see straight through to the very top floor. The wind blew through the gaps where the windows belonged and stirred up stray papers. The whole skyscraper creaked and groaned from the wind.

“Is this place safe?” Niall asked, shoving his hands into his jacket pockets to keep them protected from the cold. After they had gotten into the cab earlier, Niall noticed that Louis' healing powers had helped his shoulder enough that he didn't need his sling anymore.

Simon walked up to an elevator. It obviously didn't go up and the place didn't seem to have a basement, but the elevator itself looked completely new with shiny chrome doors and clean buttons that made it look like it was installed just days before. Simon pressed a button and turned his head slightly to look at the group of boys. Niall could see the smirk on his face. “Not exactly.”

The elevator let out a cheery ding despite Simon's ominous statement and the doors slid smoothly open. Everyone piled in without saying much else.

“When this is fully rebuilt,” Simon said. “It's going to have a security system. Finger print is what we're thinking.”

The elevator stopped and opened again. Below the skyscraper was completely different from what Niall had seen above. There was a long hallway with various doors, all of them shut. “That will be your room for the night,” Simon said to Niall as they all walked by one of the doors. At the very end of the hall was a large room that was completely bright and white. The florescents mixed with the blindingly white walls made Niall squint a moment before his eyes were able to adjust.

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