Chapter 35- One Direction- Playing Hero

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~Don't forget to comment on passages! This is a massive roller coaster of a chapter!!

Pic on the side of Superhero 1D, but looking spiffy in other suits :)~

The wall did nothing to phase X's monster, but nobody really expected it to.

“You alright, mate?” Zayn's voice said in Liam's ear.

“Never been better,” Liam responded, pulling out his broadsword and slashing one of the androids in half. Another soldier tried to attack Liam from the side, but Liam saw it coming. He turned to cut that one, too, but somehow it managed to grab the blade of his sword. The android twisted it sharply and yanked the sword from Liam's hands before he even had a chance to realize what was happening. He heard the metal of the blade clatter on the sidewalk somewhere behind the android.

“Oh,” Liam said to the blue clad soldier. “I see how it is,” Liam dropped to his fighting stance and the android cocked his head and his eyes flashed. Liam threw a punch and the soldier ducked back fractionally, avoiding the attack all together. Liam tried to hit the soldier again and it caught his fist easily.

Liam's eyes grew wide when that happened and the soldier cocked his head again and his steel blue eyes flashed once more. Suddenly, Liam felt pressure growing on his fist and realized the android was starting to crush his hand. He tried to tug his arm away, but the robot had an incredible grip! He started to bend Liam's wrist back and twist his arm at the same time. Liam threw his head back and tried to cry out, but the pain was too overwhelming for him to make any noise.

“Do you really think I didn't take into consideration your strength when building my army, Liam?” Mr. X's voice said somewhere in the haze of dizzying pain. Liam fell to his knees on the road, still trying to call for help, but unable to find his voice. “You truly are pathetic.”

“Liam?” Louis' voice said in his ear piece. “Where are you? I can't see you,”

Liam felt the bones breaking in his hand and thew his head up to the sky where he saw Niall flying over the battle. “I see him, Lou!” Niall's voice said over the head set. “Back a few yards behind you, to the right!”

Suddenly, a massive fireball came from Liam's left and hit the soldier right in the head. Fire and sparks shot out of his neck and the decapitated android belched smoke from the hole where his head use to be.

Liam made a gasp of relief, clutching his hand. He looked to his left where the fire had been and saw Zayn standing a few yards away, his fist still ignited and he looked furious. Zayn reached up with his other hand to touch his ear piece. “Found him,” Was all he said.

Liam heard someone grunt and three androids fell to the ground, spitting sparks from the gashes on their chests. Louis emerged from the fight looking just as determined as Zayn. His expression softened only slightly when he saw Liam kneeling on the street, holding his crushed hand tightly to his chest.

“I see him,” Louis told the others before rushing up to Liam. Louis slipped his knives back into their sheaths before dropping onto his knees in front of Liam. Liam instantly held his wounded hand out to the oldest boy and Louis took it gingerly between his own hands. Louis glowed blue and it quickly enveloped Liam who sighed when the pain was instantly pushed away.

He winced when he felt the fractured bones clicking and snapping back into place. He looked up, not wanting to watch his hand being healed when he saw a soldier coming straight for them. “Louis!” He shouted.

Before Louis had time to react, Harry came out of nowhere, slashing the android's head off. “I've got your back.” Harry assured them, turning his head to look at Louis.

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