Chapter 17- Zayn

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 ~Ok but that last chapter gave me soooo many feels! Seriously, though, I don't know where half of this crap comes from. I legitly look at the page I'm working on and think "ok, where the HELL did that come from?!" But somehow it all works out.~

Zayn woke slowly to the sound of quiet humming and the always irritating buzz of florescent lights. Zayn slowly opened his eyes and stared at the white ceiling before looking around the all white room. He was laying on crisp, white sheets and he guessed he was still in the hospital.

Zayn looked for the source of humming and found it almost instantly. That girl, Perrie, was sitting in a chair against the wall near his bed, idly doodling in a notebook and humming a tune Zayn didn't recognize. Zayn watched her draw for a moment before she paused, as if she could feel his eyes on her. She slowly lifter her blue ones and, gasping, nearly jumped out of her chair.

“Sorry!” Zayn said automatically.

“How long have you been awake?” She breathed, placing her hand on her chest as if it would steady her heart.

“Not long,” He said simply.

Then her brow suddenly furrowed. “You aren't supposed to be awake yet...”

“Well... Obviously I am.” Zayn responded, confused.

“No, I mean... The other boys... When they were in the pod, they had slept the whole night through afterwards. And you had so much more your body needed to recover from and we gave you morphine...” She shook her head. “You were expected to sleep for almost twenty four hours. But you're awake now and it's only been six hours since then...”

Zayn raised his eyebrow. “I... What?”

Perrie stood from her chair and was by his bed in a few short strides. She placed her hand on his forehead and pulled away as soon as she touched him. “Holy f-” She carried out the 'f' as she shook her hand like it were burned. “You're hot!”

Zayn laughed. “Thanks,” He chuckled. “You're pretty good lookin', too,”

Perrie blushed. “I- I mean,” She stammered out. “You're burning up, like you have a really bad fever. Do you feel warm?”

Zayn thought for a moment. “Not really,” He answered. “I feel pretty comfortable, actually.”

Perrie chewed her bottom lip, then her mouth opened in the shape of an O. “Now I remember!” She said suddenly. “Your powers!”

Zayn raised his eyebrow again and then burst out laughing. “Powers? What powers?”

“Zayn,” Perrie said carefully. The sound of his name on her lips made his heart skip a beat. Perrie grabbed her chair and pulled it closer so she could sit right in front of him. Zayn sat up in his bed, his eyebrows knit together and his bottom lip stuck out slightly in confusion. Perrie leaned close with her elbows propped on her legs and her hands were clasped together. “I...” She sighed and buried her face in her hands. “I don't know how to explain this.” She bit her bottom lip and folded her hands together again while she glanced anxiously at the door. “I wish Simon or someone else were here. They could tell you so much better.”

But they weren't. So Perrie explained. And she explained quite well. The pod Zayn had been in gave him super powers. They had programed them into his DNA and he was going to have the power forever. He was given power to create fire from his own body heat and control the weather. But, because his body had been under so much stress, his power lashed out as if it were a venomous snake. It burned the pod to a point where it would take years to repair. There was a massive thunder storm in the middle of February because of him, too.

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