Chapter 1

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Walking on the sandy beach was always so peaceful to me. The moonlight hitting the water and the sounds of the waves crashing was always something I loved about having my midnight strolls to help clear my mind. The previous day was just too much for me, my boyfriend who was also my boss cheated on me. I was driving to work when I decided to buy him his favorite chocolate chip muffins so his day would be a little bright, but when I entered his office I found the slutty ass Maria bent over his desk with him pounding away like a teenage boy.

The moment when his eyes met mine I instantly knew he fucked Maria and purposely left the door unlocked for me to see his cheating ass. I instantly closed the door and went to my cubicle but after a couple minutes of reading emails, he came out his office and announced that I was fired in front of everyone. Later that day, I received a text message from him saying that we were over and the reason why he fired me was because he didn't want any drama brewing up in the office. That asshole probably made Maria his personal assistant by now.

My heart did hurt, he was my first for everything and I thought I was able to make a family with him and be happy. In the end I figured that he was just a douche bag, every time we had sex he would always finish first and would never let me reach my climax. He could only last a couple of minutes and next thing I knew he was passed out next to me. He was a lousy lay and lover, I don't know what I saw in him. All my friends told me that he was a scum that took advantage of my love, but I never listened to them because I thought he was the one. I guess since he was the first one to show any interest in me I was on board with dating him.

Thinking and walking along the beach really made me realize that I deserved better and he could fuck Maria and I wouldn't care at all. I hope he gets herpes or aids from her, they belong together. The only problem was, I was currently jobless and I needed to pay for next month's rent. I couldn't be jobless right now, I needed to pay all my bills. If only I was taken away to someplace stress free.

As I walked farther from my beach house, I looked at my watch and decided to walk back home because it was getting really late. Suddenly an arm wrapped around my waist while my mouth was being covered by a cloth. 


I struggled against the person and tried to break lose but the grip they had on me was so strong. I felt so helpless. I kept kicking and wiggling, but as I kept going my vision was getting blurry and I couldn't move my muscles anymore. As the minutes gone by, I was slowly sinking further into the darkness.

---An hour later------

I slowly woke up with my hands tied behind my back and my feet chained to the floor. Where was I?

"Hello?" I cried. "Where the fuck are you taking me?!" I screamed. I pulled at my chains and tried to break free, but they were nailed to the floor real good.

As I continued to scream for help, heavy footsteps were getting closer and closer to the door. Suddenly the door busts open and a handsome guy emerged from the dark. I stared at him not believing my eyes, I thought kidnappers would be ugly, not good looking guys.

"Can you shut the fuck up, humans are so fucking annoying." he said. I watched him walk into the room and settle himself on a chair.

"Well why kidnap me then if you think humans are annoying?" I asked. "Pretty stupid if you ask me." I mumbled.

"Because we need your blood to survive." He grinned.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?" I screamed. BLOOD!? This guy was on cocaine! Heroin! FLAKKA!

"YOU'RE ON SOME DRUGS!" I tried to break free from my chains but there was no use.

"Can you relax, I don't want your blood, I'm just selling you to the vampires who want human blood." he tried explaining from his spot.

"I really don't believe your bull crap. Theres no such thing as va-" my sentence never finished because in a blink of an eye the kidnapper transformed into a monster. He stared at me with blood red eyes and smirked with both his sharp fangs sticking out.

"What the... fuck... WHAT THE FUCK?! Vampires are not real! you drugged me real good." I tried to deny it, but the evidence was clear and right in front of me.

"Calm down, I'm not here to eat you or anything, I just kidnap and sell girls. That's my job and nothing else. If you want I can explain everything that way you won't be so ignorant about the place where were going." He casually said.

I kept staring at him not knowing what to say, I was speechless, but I guess he took that as a sign for him to explain.

"My name is Clive, we're going to Igraden the realm of lycans and vampires. Dezelia is the kingdom of lycans and Feygon is the kingdom of vampires." looking at him all confused, he moved out of the chair and lazily flopped on the couch that was right behind him. "Picture this, your country, America, is Igraden. Now instead of having like fifty-two states, Igraden has two.  They are separated by two parallel walls. One wall is for the lycans to protect and the other wall is for the vampires to protect. In the middle is where all the humans live, thats where we usually do the selling and trading. That is where I'm taking you."

"Why can't you just bring me back home? I swear I wont breathe a word about this." I pleaded, but he didn't pay me any attention. "Clive please, I'm begging you. My friends will look for me and they'll get worried."

Clive was about to answer when the sailboat started to rock from side to side, "Hold on tight, we're crossing the portal."

Theres a portal too?!

Clive exited the room and left me there sitting on the floor all tied up. I tried to lay down because the swaying of the boat made me nauseous but with my hands behind my back, it made it uncomfortable. Suddenly the sailboat stopped, I heard loud chatters and commotions coming from outside. The door opened and Clive appeared.

He had a smile on his face, "I'm about to make some bank today."


Hey guys I'm making some changes because I literally had writers block and I couldn't continue writing the story so Im making some minor changes and edits here and there. This is the edited version.

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