Chapter XIX

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I'm baaack, hehe. now read.


The last miles weren’t as unsettling as exciting. I couldn’t wait to see Patrick, to know me and everybody else safe and to get going with the discussions we had to have about being a vampire.

Although my arrival was not as I had expected. Patrick didn’t live in a small cottage at the outskirts of the state. Well, he particularly did, but behind the walls of his home, there were many other shelters in which people like us, like me and James, lived.

There were large lands, battlefields and even an arena. There were vampires who trained and learnt to improve their powers. I knew I was supposed to do the same and I felt really happy thinking that I will have to spend a long period learning about me. And I would’ve gladly done if I just knew that I would stay there forever. I couldn’t imagine how any army would dare to fight against over 100 vampires. As soon as I found out about all these things, I slowly, slowly started to bloom and to let myself be taught how to defend, how to fight back and not to be afraid anymore.

Until then, I waited for Noam to get the luggage and to escort us to our rooms.

“Welcome home, dear Andrea.”

“Hi, Patrick. I didn’t expect anything of this, really, but thank you.”

I had told Adam that Patrick already knew him, so he was glad to have somebody to talk about the same business. As for James, he didn’t really know what was going on and he kept his mouth shut most of the time. Patrick was really busy, so we relied on Noam that day. He showed us our rooms, which I was happy about because they were all close to each other, Patrick’s office, the kitchen and the training hall. After the tour we had the rest of the day free.

I thanked Noam and asked him to tell Patrick I will be okay on my own and I’ll see him later and I headed directly to my room, where I found James laying on the bed. I took off my hoodie and threw myself in the bed, right next to him.

“For a moment, I forgot about the thirst.”

“At least one of us is having an excellent time.”

He was looking straight into the roof; like that time when we rescued from the Centre and his body was all in a paralyzing agony.

“I’m not used to this either, but it’s better than being chased at every corner, or being kidnapped or hurt. We’re safe and we don’t really have to worry that much, at least not for now.”

“I don’t belong here.”

“I don’t either. Neither does Adam. None of us has ever met this guy. I only found a number of his. I really want to find my father.”

“You will, and I will help you, definitely. But how are we going to find him if we just stay here doing nothing?”

James had a point, which blew my mind and lowered my mood meter. I once again, felt stuck.

“Well, it’s not like we can just go out there and fight with everybody all by ourselves. We wouldn’t do anything, but getting both of us killed, if we’re not prepared for this. Aren’t you curious about how is to be yourself?”

“It freaks me out, actually… I’m sorry, I will probably get used to everything soon. At least I am not going through all of this alone.”

We were both emotional so we started to shift to our abnormal form together and started to laugh at each other. I took off my shoes and my sweater, he took off his shirt and although we were dead cold it was like we put the whole house on fire. I grabbed the blanket and covered us with it and whilst laughing and snorting we cuddled and tickled and kissed each other to complete tiredness.

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