Hamlet Pretended

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Alec sat at his desk typing out his english paper, "How Hamlet Is A Revenge Tragedy." What it should have been called was, "How Hamlet Is A Pain To Whoever Has To Read It." Alec banged his head on his desk. It was October 31st, Halloween and he was stuck doing a stupid english paper. Izzy was at a gig, Jace was probably getting ready to go to Magnus' party, and his parents were still in England. How pathetic was his life? That was a rhetorical question. Just as Alec was planing on throwing his laptop across his room, Jace walked in.

"My name has officially been changed to Mr Charm!" He shouted as he stood in the centre of Alec's room, with his arms spread out, ready for praise.


"Clary has finally agreed to go out with me! Mr Charm does it again!"

"Are you sure? I bet she only said yes to get you to stop harassing her with your 'charm'." Alec said.

"Why am I even friends with you?"

"Because without me, you would probably be in jail right now."

"Ah yes, I knew there was a reason." Jace nodded. "What time is it?" Alec checked his watch.

"Ten to seven."

"I needed to get ready for my date!"

"Wait? I thought you were going to Magnus' party?"

"No. Tonight's the only night Clary is free. Besides, Magnus will always throw parties."

"You're right. Who knows when Clary will go back to being herself, and reject you."

"I got to go." Jace said and clasped Alec's shoulder before leaving. Alec looked back at his computer screen. And Hamlet pretended to be mad...

When Alec heard Jace's car pull out of the driveway, Alec raced into Jace's bedroom. Jace had OCD, which meant that Alec could find everything easily. Sitting at the foot of his bed was his black backpack. Alec rummaged through it, careful to not mess up anything to much, so Jace wouldn't notice. Alec pulled out a crumpled sheet of paper.

"Magnus' Halloween Mask..." Alec read to himself. Hamlet pretended....Alec ran back to his room to shower. Tonight he was going to a ball.

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