Rags to Riches

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Alec hated parties. He hated crowds. He hated small talk. But tonight, he wan't Alec.

Alec dressed in a black suit pants, and a black dress shirt. He rummaged through his room for a mask. The only one he found, was one he used for a part in a school play a few years back. It was blue not white or black. Alec would have hated to stand out, but Alec reminded himself that he was going to be the person he wanted to be. A charming, confident person. So basically, a less arrogant Jace.
It was safe to say Alec's parents were pretty rich but you probably wouldn't have noticed by looking at Alec. Isabelle showed the money through her clothes and designer purses. Jace spent a lot of it on girls and sports but Alec didn't buy what he didn't need. He walked into the garage. Izzy's car was gone, and so was Jace's but Alec's black sports car wasn't. Alec hated that car. It made him stand out and he hated that. Alec unlocked it and sat in it. He threw his mask onto the passenger seat and took a deep breath before pulling out onto the street.

Alec parked a few blocks for Magnus'. He just stared at the row of parked cars around the neighbourhood. People were walking in and out. Girls were dressed in short dresses and adorned feathered masks. Guys were wearing similar outfits like Alec. Dress shirt and pants along with the mask but everyone had a black or white mask none had blue. Alec looked at himself in the mirror. He picked up his mask and slipped it on so it covered his eyes.
"Let's do this." Alec said to himself stepping out of his car.

As he approached the mansion, everyone looked at him. Not like he was out of place, but with curiosity. He walked in a huge room that doubled that of three large dinner rooms. The floor was cleared of any furniture and people were dancing gracefully. This was unlike any party Izzy dragged Alec to. It looked more classy then hyper and sweaty. Alec leaned against the wall and looked around the room. His eyes meet someone's almost instantly. Across the room Magnus Bane was staring at him. For the first time, Alec felt noticeable.

Cinderella: A Malec Fairytale #1Where stories live. Discover now