Iz Gets Real

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Alec was on his lunch break at the library. He was trying to read the rest of his novel for english when his sister raced up to him.

"Alexander Gideon Lightwood!" She whisper shouted. Alec was terrified that Iz called him by his full name.

"What did I do now?"

"Magnus freaking Bane has your ring!" She looked half pissed off and half excited.

"I don't...I don't know what you're talking about." He gulped. She grabbed his arm and dragged him out of the library and into the unisex washroom.

"What the hell Iz!" Alec shouted.

"What the hell Alec! You better fess up right now. Why is Magnus Bane, looking for you, or should I say his mysterious lover?"


"Stop right there! Don't you dare say you don't know what I'm talking about."

"Fine. When Jace said he wasn't going to Magnus' party, I though, why not go? So I went and we danced and then you called me and I told him I had to leave. Before I could, he kissed me. Then I left before I could tell him my name. I guess when he grabbed my hand he took my ring. He's been trying to find me."

"Then why in the angels name, have you not gone up to him!?"

"Because, he thinks I'm someone I'm not. He wouldn't want it to be me. Let him think that the guy he danced with was perfect and mysterious. That's not who I am, Iz."

"Alexander Lightwood, you are perfect the way you freaking are. Got that? And I'm not just saying that because you look a lot like me! Magnus would love you even more then this facade. But how will you know for sure if you don't hike up your socks and talk to him?"

"Thanks for trying to help, but you don't understand." Alec turned and left his sister in the washroom stunned.

Now Alec was sitting in tech when his phone buzzed.

IZZY: Sry I upset u :(

ALEC: its ok

IZZY: great! can you help me move my project from room 309 to my car?

Of course Izzy only wanted something out of her apology.

ALEC: sure

"Alec?" He looked up to Ms. Karen. She was standing right in front of him, with her hand stretch out. "No phones in my class."

Cinderella: A Malec Fairytale #1Where stories live. Discover now