Chapter Six

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Flashback (Before Jonathan) ...

I walk up the steps of the attic in the late afternoon. He's awake. I can hear the sound of his each movement on the bed. Almost an ever occurring sound of him frighten of me. He's shifting in the chains stumbling back to the bed. He has free range to walk around while I'm at work except towards me. I made sure he can't attempt leaving. He's too scared of me I doubt he would but he has no reason to be scared of me. I'm not a bad person. I'm not going to hurt him anymore if he'd only listen and we can be happy together.

I spot him sitting against the wall on the bed with his hands on both sides of him looking terrified. He doesn't have to be. I wouldn't hurt him. I have no need when he hasn't done anything wrong. I love him. I care about him not to lay a hand on him but once he gets me going I can't control myself any longer. A fire burns inside me as bad thoughts of what I can do to punish him take a hold of me. Voices speak in my head telling me what to do but for right now their silent. I hear nothing but myself think sane thoughts. Hurting him is the last thing on my mind.

"You don't have to be scared Alex. No one is going to hurt you." I step forward, I never felt more in power than when he starts to shrink in front of my eyes. I want to take the vulnerability away but the constant voices stir in my head again."Did you miss me when I was gone?" I stop by the bed inching closer to him as I sit down to touch him. Placing my hand on his chin to force him to look into my eyes. "Did you?"

I missed him. I always think about him when he's all I have except my sister. He's everything to me. All the shit I went through, the fucked up life is over. I found someone I can be with. I can have a relationship and start something resembling a family that isn't broken like mine was growing up. I think I deserve it after the beatings my dad put me through, the bullies at school and the hell people still give me looking at me differently. I'm a disgrace in their eyes. I'm nothing but a piece of dirt but not anymore. I have someone. I'm not alone anymore with Alex here to make my life that much better.

"Ye-yes." he stutters.

I see something from the corner of my eye of what he's hiding from me. He isn't terrified of me like the other days but terrified of me finding out what he thought he might get away with. And here I thought he loved me but he has other intentions in mind. "I missed you too." I play into his trap to give him the hope he can get away with hurting me as I lean in for a long awaited kiss. Swift and quick before he can react to lift his hand up to raise the object, he tried to conceal beside him to hurt me with, I take it away. Throwing it across the room it crashes against the wall falling on the floor.

I pull away sitting up, raising my hand up trying to hold back the anger I thought I left behind. If he was good I wouldn't be struggling constantly to be sane. If he gave in and stopped trying to think he can leave by hurting me we can be happy. I love him after all why can't he see I do? "Do you really think I'd be stupid to not know what you were planning on doing? With a fork of all things Alex?

He doesn't reply trying to make an escape for it in his chains, "You're not going anywhere." I shout grabbing his wrist tightly.

He cries out in pain like always weak and stupid. When is he going to stop this going home crap? How many times do I have to remind him here is home? I took him away from the horrible life he had back home. I brought him here and this is how he treats me? I give him everything and he wants to leave me? He thinks I'd let him now all of a sudden?

"Please? Let me go please?" the same redundant pleas echo in the attic.

Screams of him fighting to get away but it's not going to happen. He did it this time. He really did it and here I thought he loved me back.

He's been here for three months. I thought he'd give in. I thought he would see the life I'm giving him. We can be together. We can be happy. We can start a life together and he doesn't have to do anything but show me respect and stop fighting it

His green innocent eyes looking into my dark possessed soul. Something sick and menacing is taking control of me. What shouldn't be liked and loved are because of the sick pleasure it gets from this. 'Why don't you hurt him a little? You know you want to? To see the blood and feel more alive when you let me out.'

I shut my eyes telling myself that isn't what I want. Reopening them to see him still sitting there waiting for me say something. I regain control. I don't want to hurt him. I don't want to but the voices do. The monsters inside telling me how much I like watching him hurt even though I keep saying I want to love him.

"Alex this is your home just as mine. I want to love you. I want to protect you from the bad people who hurt you. I care about you more than anyone else does which is why I'm doing this. Once you realize here is in your best interest we can be happy together. We can have a family."

"I'll never love you!" he yells pushing the last button to make me explode.

'Show him! Hurt him! He doesn't deserve your love! He doesn't deserve anything you give him! He tried to hurt you! He doesn't want to be with you it's time you get rid of him and find someone else!'

"Fine! You don't want to be here Alex you can leave! You won't have to see me again. Is that what you want to hear? I'll give you your wish right now!" I shout, letting go of him and getting up from the bed.

I head down the attic steps in a fit of anger I can no longer hold back.

I'll show him. He wants to leave I'll let him. He can be free from me and I won't have to put up with his complaining. He doesn't love me anyway. He doesn't love me like I love him. He'll be getting what he deserves.

I walk into the kitchen storming through in search of something to take care of the problem and shut him up once and for all. He thinks he can come at me with a fork like he can kill me with it?

He's younger than me! He's weaker than me! He can't do anything when I've been through abuse all through my childhood. He has to do more than that and think he can get away with it. I'm done with putting up with him.

In the kitchen I grab a knife, 'Make it hurt. Make it last for hours while he moans out in pain begging for you to stop.' the voice says and I give in.

Heading back up stairs his cries have almost stopped until I'm at the top standing in the attic holding the knife. Racing towards him as he tries to get up and get away. Falling down and stopped by the chains he attached to by his ankles stopping him from getting far from the bed. "Stop! Please!"

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