Chapter Eleven

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** I forgot to mention earlier Jared's point of views aren't moving along like Jonhathan's. They are mostly in the same time frame as he is being interviewed at the police station **


I stare at the white cup full of steaming hot coffee in his right hand as he sits there. Becoming agitated as he takes another sip before placing it back down on the table in the room while I sit on the other chair across from him.

I wish I had something to take the edge off then the nothingness I have inside my stomach. Empty, and the intense cravings start to stir inside me to have a drink of something strong. Something to have some of the stress I'm dealing with to go away for a while.

I can barely handle it. I don't know how I've gotten through the hours they continue to keep me here when all I want to do is leave.

I haven't been drinking much since Jonhathan told me he was pregnant again a few months ago. I didn't want to after what I did. I didn't want to hurt him again.

'Again? Do you hear yourself? Who are you trying to convince? It can't be yourself when you already know that can't possibly be true. Besides he deserved it for being a condensending little bitch. He probably planned to have another kid like he did the first. Forcing you to work more to take care of them while he does nothing. See he didn't give a damn about you.' the voice in my head says, laughing.

I shake off the voice, the nerves building inside me realizing as I look up the guy sitting in the room isn't the same guy as earlier. He isn't the same one who questioned me but another person. A new face they decided to have come inside instead of the last, "You know why we're here Jared. I want to get to the bottom of this. I know you want the same thing so just tell me what happened from the beginning."

"From the beginning?" I ask not sure why I said anything. I'm only fueling him to continue talking as he's tries to get answers to use against me but he won't be able to.

Finding the box is meaningless if they find no body. Telling them nothing to go off of makes less creditably in their case to prove something against me if they try.

"It doesn't have to be the beginning. You can start from the present and go backwards. Tell me about Jonhathan? How did you two meet? How long were you talking to him before you took him to your house?" he backpedals just wanting to start anywhere with me. Wanting to gather what I'm willing to tell him and that's nothing.

I haven't confessed to anything nor do I need to. "I did nothing wrong."

"Now don't lie to me. I know that isn't true. We both know it isn't." he replies.

"I'm not lying. I love him and I did nothing wrong. You have nothing against me."

"I have a lot against you in that box we found in your house to reveal Jonhathan wasn't the only one you brought to that house of yours. I'm just trying to make it easier for you to tell me your side of the story because I already have Jonhathan's and it isn't looking good for you."

"You're lying." He's not telling the truth. He's making up lies.

"Why would I lie now? Did you really think he wouldn't tell us about what you did to him in that house? Tell us everything he learned about your past to where we are today? He told us everything Jared I just want to hear it from your mouth."

He's lying. He's telling me a load of crap to scare me because there is no way Jonhathan would say anything bad against me. He loves me too much.

"Did he deserve it huh?" he questions his voice rising with anger and irritation for not getting what he wants out of me. Tempting to break me down and confess but I have nothing to say he wants to hear. "Did it make you feel in control to hurt him like you did?"

"I don't have to tell you anything." I tell him.

"Is that so?" he retorts looking at me with skepticism.

"I want an attorney."


I sit in solitude in the cell I was issued and shoved into because I tell him what he wanted to hear but would it have helped to even talk?

'Are you that idiotic to think telling them what they want to hear will help you? Do you really think they would let someone like you out? Someone they think is dangerous and needs to be locked away? Hell no! They will never let you out because of your stupidity to let Jonhathan go out of the house! Why would you even think it could be a good idea to take him out in the same fucking state hours from where he lived and went missing?! Why? Because he begged you? Because he promised nothing bad will happen because he doesn't want to leave anymore? Hah! What a joke and look at where you are now. He's gone and you're locked away. How is that fair? How is that right he doesn't have to pay a price for doing this to you?'

'He loves me. He didn't want this just as much as I didn't. I was happy, he was happy living together as a family.'

'Happy together as a family? He loved you?' the voice laughs mockingly in my head though it sounds like it's echoing off the four walls of the cell I sit in alone against the wall. 'He didn't love you damn it! He wanted to leave you more than worse! Did you forget about what he found? What he questioned you about?'

'How could I forget?'

'He wanted to leave you remember? He wanted to take off after accusing you of viscous acts you may or may not have done which wasn't clear to him. He was going to rip away the family you gave him. You saved him and he was going to take off if you hadn't-'

'I don't want to think about it.' I shake my head. 'I don't want to remember what happened, what I did. None of it was ever suppose to happen.'

'But it happened Jared. You did it. You caused it and you had to stop Jonhathan from leaving. You had no other choice to force him to stay. Scare him and terrify him to the point he would never try to leave again. He would have to be happy unless he wanted to end up like poor Alex. Except now he's not in fear when he's away from you. He's with them and he's telling them everything now. How do you think they found the box? Him probably.'

'That's not true. Jonhathan loves me. He knows what I did was a terrible mistake. He knows I have problems but I never meant to hurt him. I never meant to hurt anyone. He wouldn't give me up. He wouldn't give up on us when he knows I love him. We're a family no matter what anyone else has to say.'

'A broken family.'

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