Chapter 15: A Friendly Discussion

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"Hello Miss Stone, how did the mission go?" Amelia greeted her friend as she entered the Ministry.

"It could have gone better, Amelia," Sarah replied. "I tried to tell the boss that antagonizing the squib was a bad idea. I was right, it got me bloody fired from my cover station. I couldn't even be there to save the squib!"

"She is alive right?" Amelia asked as they made their way to the department they worked in.

"No thanks to her, you know that I spat in her pudding. The bimbo saw me and still ate it! Some pig nose girl finished it off and turned purple faster than my last potions final," Sarah snorted. "Remind me again why we are protecting the squib?"

"She might not be popular, but if she is murdered the Ministry will take the blame. Besides, she is a researcher's dream subject. We need her here so we can test our experiment we've been working on."

"Experiments? She's a human being not a rodent," Sarah gasped.

"She's a squib, what's the difference?" Amelia squealed with laughter. "It's just unfortunate we lost our top Hogwarts spy."

"Keep it down, if anyone heard us our unbreakable vows will...break," Stones scolded.

The two witches entered the Department of Mysteries where security was waiting for them. Amelia heard the all too familiar sound of screams piercing through the dark halls ahead of them.

The security wizard started testing Amelia to confirm her identity while Sarah turned pale. Amelia noticed, "You alright there Sarah?"

Stones nodded, "Sorry I just wasn't expecting the screams."

Amelia scoffed, "Not expecting the screams? What's wrong with you?"

Sarah close her eyes and took a deep breath. "I'm sorry, I just haven't been myself lately. Stupefy!"

The two Unspeakables fell to the ground while Sarah ran through the Department of Mysteries. She tried to ignore the screams and sirens as she entered the Room of Files.

She couldn't believe what she saw. Books as far as her eyes could see, full of illegal information on every Witch and Wizard in existence. To her disgust she saw the books organized into four sections, Pure Bloods, Half Bloods, Muggleborns and Squibs. She lifted her wand to where she knew the wards would be and uttered the password "Silence."

After the ward died Sarah ran through the pure blood section before reaching the L. After thirty minutes of searching she finally found it, Pandora Lovegood's files.

"Intruder Security has been breached. The intruder is in the Room of Files and is using Polyjuice Potion," Said a woman's voice that sounded as if the speaker was in the room.

"How did they find out so fast?" Sarah muttered sarcastically as she waved her wand around her. Security arrived seconds later.

"You are under arrest, take her to the room 959."

The impostor raised her hands in the hair as the Unspeakables approached. Suddenly there was a crack and the Impostor was the only one left standing. She grabbed an extra file before vanishing on the spot.

The Unspeakables slowly rose from the floor. "How did she do that?"

The female voice replied "She set wards around herself that blocked our attack and negated our anti apparating ward."

One of the unspeakables grimaced. "Whoever did this must have an incredible source of magical knowledge..."

At the Hogshead inn, Sarah Stone apparated into her room. She turned to a girl lying stiff as a board on the floor. The impostor spoke, "Thank you for your cooperation Miss Stones, your information has been very helpful. Thank you for trying to help Luna, your intentions have been as foul as your hair. I suggest you tell the rest of your Unspeakables to leave Luna alone. OBLIVAITE!"

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