Chapter 9

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Jӧrgen's P.O.V

Of course something like this had to happen today. When that bullet went through the glass and hit the monkey I didn't even think twice before grabbing Blaire and dragging her away. Once I got into the room we were first in, I took her to a spot away from the doors and windows. Looking around the room for a safe way out, I grunted when I didn't see one. Looking back down at Blaire, I could see tears rolling down her cheeks. "Hey it's going to be alright." I whispered brushing away the tears.

Bringing her to my chest, I hug her as she cries. Pulling out my phone I send a message to George, one of my men in the security team I had set up to be placed around the zoo.

What the hell happened?! I texted. I would have called and yelled but I didn't want to yell in front of Blaire and she doesn't know what I do yet so I'd blow my cover.

We think the shooter was in a tree outside the zoo. We're checking everywhere to see if anyone looks suspicious. He texted back.

I want him caught NOW! I texted back putting my phone away.

After the shooting, I took Blaire home insisting I do until she gave in. After making sure she was in her apartment I had made sure there were double the men making sure she was safe. Getting inside my car I sped all the way home. Barging inside I yelled to no one in particular. "SOMEONE WANNA TELL ME WHY THE HELL MY GIRL WAS ALMOST SHOT TODAY?"

I am beyond pissed. Anyone who was in the entrance area when I walked in froze. Now I was getting even more pissed off cause nobody was answering me. When I was about to start yelling again George walked in cautiously. "Sir, I may have something." he said carefully. I gave him a 'well what are you waiting for' look and he gestured down the hall and into the tech room.

In the middle of the room is a giant table. Spread on it were photos, photos of the zoo. "So me and the rest of the men that were at the zoo surveyed the whole zoo. Like I mentioned before I thought the shooter stationed himself on a tree just outside the zoo, in line of the monkey exhibit. So I checked the trees just outside the park that were tall enough for someone to see the monkey exhibit and one of them had small indents in them from the stand he had the gun resting on." He said showing me a picture of the indents.

"The shape of the indents weren't the usual mark left behind by a gun stand but I didn't stop there. I went to where the shot was made and took the bullet and had these guys check it through the database. The Saigon-LR5 Sniper Rifle popped up and do you know who owns that gun?" He asked giving me a knowing look.

"Moretti." I muttered balling my fists. Moretti is our biggest rival. He is the leader of the Italian mafia. Their a pathetic excuse of a gang. Taking my phone out I dialed John's phone. When he picked up I didn't even let him say anything. "How's she doing?" I rushed out needing to know she's safe. "Ya boss. Michael just called on a check up saying he saw her move into the living room." Breathing a sigh of relief I said, "Good, I want you to keep an eye on her on all times. Moretti was behind the shooting at the zoo and you know what he's capable of." I told him earning a 'yes boss' then cut off the call.

The next morning I called John again and told him when she leaves for work I want two men to follow her and watch her while the rest break into her apartment to install camera's. I didn't like doing this but it's for her own safety. Just a couple camera's, ones she won't notice, aiming at the front door and around the living room. Her bedroom and bathroom were to remain cameraless.

Checking the time on my watch, I pull on my suit jacket and headed to the diner. When I got there I saw her working a few tables at the end of the diner so I sat down in a booth in the corner. When she walked over I couldn't help but smile at her and I could tell she felt the same way.

"Hi." She said standing at the end of the table. "Hey sweetheart. You have a moment?" I asked without thinking. She looked back before taking a seat opposite of me. I guess it's now or never. "So there was something I wanted to ask you yesterday but due to the what happened I never got the chance." She nodded telling me to continue.

"I wanted to ask if you'll be my girl?" Her eyes widened a bit and for a second I thought she was going to say no but then a smile graced her lips. "Ya, I will." She nodded. I opened my mouth to say something when another voice spoke. "Blaire get back to work." Looking to the side I see a man about 35 who is either the manager or owner of the diner. Glaring at him, I got up and made my way towards him. I could tell he knew who I was because his expression changed when he saw me.

"Don't you ever talk to my girl like that again." I threatened. He nodded his head vigorously before getting out of my sight. "You didn't have to do that." A small voice said behind me. Knowing it was Blaire, I took a deep breath to calm me down, I turned and looked at her. Pulling her into me, she gasped and placed her palms on my chest.

"Gotta protect my girl." I smirked kissing her forehead. You have no idea how good it felt to do that. I have waited so long for that. Pulling back a little I see her blush a bit. "People are staring." She muttered blushing even more. Looking around I glared at the people who stared making them turn away. Looking back down at Blaire she said, "I should get back to work."

Nodding, I went back to my seat and waited watching my girl walk around taking orders and bringing people food. She walked over to me and set a plate and cup or orange juice down in front of me. The plate had eggs, bacon, sausage, three pancakes, and toast. It looked like there were extra of everything. I thanked her and she went back to work.

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