Chapter 21

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Blaire's P.O.V

Ever since we brought Jӧrgen back home, he's been out of it, unconscious. Aside from relieving myself and taking a shower, I have been by his side the whole time. When I was waiting for George to tell me if he was going to be okay or not, I was crying non stop. I haven't cried that much since my family's death.

Currently I am sitting in a chair I pulled up to our bed so I was next to him. I would just sit on the bed next to him but it's just a really awkward position. I held his hand tightly in my hands waiting for him to wake up.

A knock on the door brought me from thoughts. "Come in." I called softly. The door opened and Mason stepped in with a tray of food. "How's he doing?" He asks softly. Everyday he brings me my three meals of the day and each time asks me the same thing. Sighing I replied, "No change."

He sets the tray down on the bedside table and comes to sit on the edge of the bed. "Hey." He softly getting my attention. "I know I keep saying this day after day but he's going to wake up soon. This is like the first real rest he's had in years. Just be patient." Giving a small nod I turn back to Jӧrgen.

Mason leaves soon after. Setting Jӧrgen's hand down on my leg I grab the tray of food and nibble at it. Putting the tray back on the table I get up and go to the other side of the bed and get in. Moving next to Jӧrgen, I put his arm around me gently place my arm around the lower part of his stomach so I don't accidently hurt him where the injuries are.

When morning came I sighed in content when I felt my hair being played with. I don't know why but having my hair played with feels really nice. That's when my eyes shoot open and I get into a sitting position in lightening speed. Eyes open, mouth in a soft smile which only mean one thing. Jӧrgen is awake. He's AWAKE! A choked sob leaves my mouth and I find myself hugging him.

"Oh my god. You're awake. You're okay." I gushed while I hugged him. "Of course I'm okay. I'd never leave my girl." He chuckled, his voice hoarse from the lack of use in the three weeks he's been unconscious. Just as I pulled away so I could see his face, awake face, there's a knock at the door. Mason pops his head in and his face lights up.

"You're awake. Looks like I need to make a second plate." He chuckles setting the tray down on the bed side table while I helped Jӧrgen into a sitting position. "It's good to see you awake." he said giving Jӧrgen a hug. Pulling away from the hug he continued. "This one wouldn't leave your side." He gestured towards me making me blush.

Jӧrgen chuckled slinging an arm around me and pulling me into him. "Well I'll be back with another plate." He said walking out of the room. Turning towards Jӧrgen I see he's already looking at me. He brushed some hair behind my ear and leaned in. The kiss was the most passionate one we have ever shared. When he pulled back he rested his forehead on mine. Resting my hand on his stubbled cheek I mumbled, "You have no idea how worried I was."

"I think I have a pretty good idea." He replied referencing when Antonio kidnapped me and held me hostage for a week. "Please tell me he didn't do anything." he added anger and worry showing in his eyes.

"Nothing like that."Knowing what he was getting at. "He would force feed me, make me cuddle with him at night and he would..." I paused trying to find the right words. "stay in the bathroom when I took a shower." A growl erupted within his chest and his arm around me tightened.

Before he could say anything I jumped in. "The good thing is he's dead, he's gone. He can't do anything anymore."

That didn't seem to help much. "It shouldn't of happened in the first place." He said angrily. "I should have been able to protect you." this time he said it much quieter. Seeing him like this broke my heart. Seeing him beat himself over something out of his control hurt.

"Hey. What happened was not your fault. You had no idea this was going to happen when it did. All you need to remember is that I am back and I am safe." I said while giving him a look that said 'don't fight me on this'. He let out a sigh and leaned back against the headboard. A knock on the door brought our attention away from each other. Mason came back in with another plate, with much more food on it.

After thanking him he left once again. Turning back to Jӧrgen I debated whether or not to tell him how Antonio died. After much debate I decided to tell him I mean he's going to find out when he see's the small scar on my shoulder. Looking at the plate of food on my lap for a second to collect my thoughts, I took a deep breath and lifted my head.

"You should know how Antonio...Moretti died. I guess before everything happened he forced some food down my throat that tasted a little weird and not the accidentally put too much or too little of an ingredient kind of weird but something else. After he forced it down my throat I started to feel tired until I eventually fell asleep.

"I don't know how long after that he was shaking me awake. Once I was awake he started dragging me out of the room, past your body on the ground and down the stairs. Just before he could drag me into the garage and to one of his cars Mason showed up. Antonio used me as a shield so in order for Mason to shoot him he had to shoot my shoulder." I told him pulling the sleeve of my shirt down to show him the small scar.

"The bullet went right through my shoulder and into his heart." I added as a few tears made its way down my cheeks. He brought his hands up to my face and used his thumbs to wipe away the tears.

After explaining everything to him we stayed in each others arms just cooling down before we actually started eating the food on the plates Mason brought.

The death of Antonio Moretti had made the two closer than ever. Blaire felt as if she could be free now knowing the man who had killed her family and tormented her got the faith he deserved. Now Jӧrgen and Blaire could have a normal relationship. Well as normal a relationship could get when one just so happens to be a Mafia King.


A/N: Thank you all for reading this book. I have decided to write a second book that follows  Blaire and Jorgen after the whole Moretti incident. So keep a look out for the next book. When I start the next book I'll post the title on here so you can find it easily. 

Once again THANK YOU all for reading!

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