Chapter 17

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Mason's P.O.V

"Oh I think she is." Moretti said and before I could comprehend what he said he shot me in the stomach. The next moment went by slowly. I felt myself falling backwards from the blow and I could vaguely comprehend Blaire catching me and doing her best to bring me down to the ground carefully. Once on the ground Blaire's face comes face-to-face with mine and I can see tears falling down her cheeks.

Next thing I know she's being pulled away by Moretti. I try to get up and grab her but one of his minions kicked me on the head. My vision turning black from the blow to the head and loss of blood from the gunshot wound. And within a few seconds I'm out cold.

Few hours later

Beeping. That's what woke me up from my sleep. As I woke up more the beeping got louder and memories flooded my mind. Moretti's men shooting up the diner, Moretti being Blaire's ex boyfriend, getting shot, and then Blaire being taken away. The last memory made me shoot up gasping. Immediately my hand went to my a part of my chest and when looking down I see red. "I see you've opened your stitches Mason." George, the doctor, said walking over to me and pushing me back down onto the bed.

I tried getting up again but he just pushed me down. "You need to stay down Mason or you could make it worse." He warned making me glare at him. "I can't just lay here!" I yelled at him at him. "Well you're going to have to. Boss just stepped out to take a call. He should be here any second. You can take it up with him when he comes back in." And just then the door to my room opens and Jӧrgen walked in.

And let me tell you, he looks like shit. He notices I'm awake and comes over to the unoccupied side as doc occupies the other restitching my stomach. "How are you feeling?" He asked even though he's dying to ask me what happened. "I'm sorry Jӧrgen. I tried getting her out of there, I tried." I said everything coming out in a gasp.

"I know Mason, I know." He replied and just then I remembered James. "James." was all I had to say for him to shake his head no making me close my eyes and take in a ragged breath. Opening my eyes, I looked at him. "They know each other Jӧrgen." I started and he looked at me confused. "Blaire and Moretti, they know each other. Moretti is Blaire's ex, the one that killed her family." With that he got up and punched the wall. He punched it a few more times before just walking off.

Blaire's P.O.V

Fuzzy. That's the best way to describe how my head feels. I had woken up a few minutes ago to an empty room. The room is big and fancy looking, too fancy. It's nothing compared to Jӧrgen's room. Jӧrgen's, while you know everything in there is expensive and really nice looking, it doesn't scream expensive and fancy like this one. I had already tried to make a break for it but everything in this room that leads out is locked leaving me to sit on the bed trying to think of a way out of here.

Looking around the room my eyes land on the air vents. 'Of course!' I thought. Jumping off the bed, I went to take a step towards the air vent when the door opened revealing Antonio. "Coming to greet me my love." he said making me grimace. He walked towards me until he was standing in front of me. "Are you hungry? I can have someone bring you some food." He said placing a hand on my cheek to which I turned my head making his hand fall.

A sigh fell from his lips and he walked towards the door but stopped and turned towards me one last time. "In time you'll start to accept your new life, the life you should have had from the beginning." He opened the door and stepped out. As he left he said, "I'll have someone bring you some breakfast."

Mason's P.O.V

**One Week Later**

It has been one week. One week with Blaire in the hands of Moretti. The air in the mansion is thick with tension. Our leader, my best friend has become harsher than he ever was and is becoming harsher and harsher every day that Blaire is not with him. His room is destroyed from smashing and throwing things to get his anger out for when the day ends and Blaire is still out there.

He won't eat or sleep. All he does is look for Blaire and I can't blame him. "Mason." someone said to my right. Turning my head I see Mark. "Henderson is one the phone. He says it's urgent." He said handing me the phone. Since Jӧrgen has put all of his attention on finding Blaire, I have been doing all the other business stuff like handling meetings.

Getting up carefully from Jӧrgens office chair, I go to stand by the window that leads out onto the street. Ever since I got shot a week ago doc has stressed enough about being carefull. Taking things slow, no quick movements.

"Mr. Henderson." I said into the bringing the phone to my ear. "I was hoping to speak to Mr. Bjork." Sighing I told him, "Mr. Bjork is busy with important business. Now if you don't mind getting to the point of this call. I was told it was urgent." Now I am getting impatient.

"Actually Mr. Bjork's important business is why I am calling. I heard his girlfriend was taken from him by Moretti. I just thought I'd let you know I might have some information that could be of usefull to you." I could hear the teasing in his voice. The I know something you don't know.

"And?" I pressed even though I know there is a catch to this. "Ahh and here is where we get to the good part. I'll tell you what I know if in return I will get aid in whatever situation I shall seem fit with no questions asked." I thought about it for a second before telling him that decision is not up to me that I'd have to ask Jӧrgen. To which he responded with that he'll wait.

Rushing over to Jӧrgen's room on the top floor, trying to hold back the pain that sparked because I was not taking it easy like doc said. Coming to his door, I knocked which earned a very loud go away and what seemed like glass being broken. "Jӧrgen it's about Blaire." And in a second the door was opened and I am being pulled inside.

Once inside Jӧrgen let go of me and looked at me expectantly. Pressing the mute button on the phone so Henderson doesn't hear me I explain what Henderson had told me to Jӧrgen. Jӧrgen then proceeded to snatch the phone out of my hand and turn off the mute button and press the speaker button.

"TELL ME WHAT YOU KNOW HENDERSON!!" Jӧrgen yelled and I had to take a step back from how loud he was. "Not until I am promised what I asked." He said stubbornly. "I will tell you this Henderson. If the information you give is useful I will aid you in anything you desire but if I believe the information you provide is not useful I will not hesitate to find you and kill you with my bare hands."

Jӧrgen took a breath before continuing. "Now tell me what you know."

"Just a few moments ago..."

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