Chapter 20

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A/N: Sorry I didn't post on Friday. I've been busy this week in preparing for college. And plus the last few chapter I feel like I rushed them so they weren't that great so I wanted to make sure this chapter is great. Also to all of you who are commenting you have no idea how happy your comments make me.

Blaire's P.O.V

This week has been hell. When I refused to eat he'd force feed me, when I'd have to take a shower he'd be in the bathroom with me bathing me and against my will might I add, and at night when he said it was time for bed he force me to cuddle with him. Right now, like I've done before, I am refusing to eat the food he had brought to me. "C'mon babe I don't want to have to force feed you again." Antonio said moving the fork full of food to my closed lips.

Ignoring him, I kept my lips sealed. He sighed before grabbing me and forcing the food down my throat. While trying to get him to stop I noticed how the food he was forcing down didn't taste right. Before I could think about it further I felt myself drifting off into unconsciousness.

What felt like someone shaking my shoulders woke me up. Scrunching my closed eyes even more I let out a groan before slowly opening my eyes. The first thing I see is Antonio's face. "Get up let's go." He said before I could comprehend what's going on. He yanked me to my feet and towards the door.

He yanked me through the door and out into the hall. Looking in front of us I could see something or really someone on the floor. When I tried to get a better look at who it was, Antonio tried to keep him out of view. The view I saw made my heart fall out of my chest. Yanking my arm out of Antonio's grip I ran over to him and knelt down by his face.

"Jӧrgen." I said shaking him trying to keep the tears from falling down my face. A groan escaped his lips making me sigh in relief. Before I could do anything further I was being pulled away. "NO!" I yelled trying to get out of his grip. "LET ME GO!" Now I am full on crying. Jӧrgen is lying on the ground probably barely alive and losing a lot of blood.

Antonio pulls me all through the house and is about to pull me into the garage when an all too familiar voice stops him. "Let Blaire go and maybe I'll end your life pain free." Antonio chuckled and turned around keeping me in front of him like a shield. "Mason." I cried out trying to run over to him but Antonio keeps me to him.

"I see you're alive." Antonio says with a dark chuckle making me cringe. "Hell ya I am after your lousy shot." Mason responded with a smirk.

"Well it wasn't a lousy shot on your buddy now was it? What was his name? James?" Antonio said and I could just hear the smirk on his face. I have a bad feeling if this conversation, if you can call it that, continues it won't end well.

Mason clenched and unclenched his free hand and the hand on the gun he's holding tightened before he relaxed and looked at me. "Blaire, I'm sorry." With that his finger closed on the trigger. The loud bang of a bullet coming out of the gun was heard and I fell to the ground.

Pain shot through my left arm. Looking at my left arm I see blood soaking my shirt. Realization suddenly hit me causing me to snap my head around to see Antonio on the ground motionless. Next thing I know Mason is in front of me. "I'm sorry Blaire it was the only thing I could do." Mason said clearly pain. "It's fine I get it." I told him looking back at Antonio.

"Jӧrgen." His name coming out of my mouth when I realized he's still hurt. Ignoring the pain in my left arm I get up and quickly make my way upstairs, Mason following behind me yelling my name. When I reached Jӧrgen I saw he had moved from his position on the ground to leaning against the wall.

Rushing to his side I look him over. "Blaire?" My name came out so soft I almost didn't hear it. "I'm right here Jӧrgen. I'm right here. We're going to get you help baby." I told him looking at Mason who had come to my side. Mason nodded and looked Jӧrgen over. "Looks like one of the bullets came out on the other side but the second gunshot is still there." Mason said then took out his phone.

He talked to someone for like a minute before footsteps could be heard coming up the stairs. Mason had his gun raised just in case but lowered it once the footsteps reached the top of the stairs. There were four men I guess who were part of Jӧrgen's mafia. They rushed over to us. The short blonde haired one walked over to Mason. "George is on his way with his medical stuff." He told Mason.

"Until he gets here I want you to go find medical supplies. Moretti has to have some somewhere around here." He told the blonde guy who nodded and ran down the hall then looked at the other three guys. "You three are going to help me get boss into that room and onto the bed." They all nodded and they began to carefully pick Jӧrgen up and carry him to the room I was held in.

Following close behind, they set him down on the bed and I immediately went to his side. Mason ripped Jӧrgen's shirt off to get a better look at him. He then took a pillow case from a pillow and pressed it against the wounds. Not long after that the blonde guy and another, older looking guy come into the room.

Mason moved as the other guy takes his place. Mason then moves to my side. "Blaire you're going to have to move so I can help George take care of Jӧrgen." I was reluctant to leave his side but knew I had to move and let Mason help save Jӧrgen. I watched them go to work, George taking multiple tools out of his bag.

A hand came to rest on my shoulder making me jump frightened. Quickly turning around I see the blonde guy. "Would you like me to take a look at your shoulder?" He asks timidly. It was then I remembered I was shot in the shoulder. Giving him a small nod, he motions over to a chair. Taking a seat, I let him look at my shoulder.

"Looks like you just need some stitches." He said grabbing the tools to stitch up my shoulder. Before he could do it I asked, "Have you done this before?" He let out a small chuckle. "Yes. In this life we've all had to stitch ourselves or someone up at least once." Nodding in understanding I let him stitch it up. The whole time I was being stitched up I kept my eyes on Jӧrgen.

A/N: So I think with how the story is going I am going to finish it within the next chapter or so.

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