Chapter 10

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A/N: Here's another chapter. I got really into it and finished it quickly so ya here it is hope you like it. Also I'd like to thank you all who are reading. 275 reads. That's just amazing. Thanks

Blaire's P.O.V

After Jӧrgen left I continued to work. Today was one of those rare days I worked from when the diner opened to when it ends. The lucky part was that tomorrow I didn't have to come in till the afternoon so I can sleep in.

By the time it was closing all I wanted to do was sleep. Pulling my bag over my shoulder I started making the ten minute walk to my apartment. A couple minutes in I felt like I was being followed making my heart beat faster. Pulling my phone out of my bag I called Jӧrgen. "Hey baby. You home from work yet?" He asked when he picked up. "Uh not yet. I'm walking back now." I told him glancing back to see if anyone was following me.

"Baby, what's wrong?" he worriedly asked. "I...I don't know. I feel like I'm being followed." I said once again looking behind me but seeing nothing but that didn't stop me from quickening my pace. "Everything is going to be fine baby. Just stay on the phone with me and keep walking to your apartment. I'm going to drive towards you." Nodding in agreement, I realized he couldn't see it so I said ok.

"How far away are you from your apartment?" He asks and I could hear a door closing and an engine starting. "A couple minutes maybe." I told him. "That's good baby just keep walking. I'm almost at the diner. I should get to you right when you get to your apartment.

A few minutes pass by and he was right. Right when I got to the front of my apartment building I see a car pull up and Jӧrgen step out. Hanging up the phone, I put it back in my bag just in time for Jӧrgen to pull me into a hug. Relaxing in his hold I sigh in relief. I felt so much better knowing he was here.

"Come on let's get you inside." He said pulling away but keeping an arm around me. Nodding, we walk inside and up to my floor. Unlocking my door, I let us in and then lock it. Setting my bag down on the little table I have next to the door, I walk over to Jӧrgen who is in the center of my living room looking around. He looked so big compared to my small living room.

"It's small but cozy and this place is cheap." I told him making him turn towards me. He nodded and came over to me. He rested his hands on my waist and pulled me into him. "How you feeling?" he asked.

Shrugging, I replied, "Still a little shaken up." It was the truth. I still felt the creeps but knowing Jӧrgen is here made me feel a whole lot better. "I'll stay as long as you want me to." He said resting his hand on the side of my face and moving his thumb across my cheek. Leaning into his touch I said, "Can you stay the night?" I looked up to look in his eyes, waiting for a response. I know it seems like we're moving fast and to be honest we kind of are, if he says yes, but I know I won't sleep if I am alone.

"Of course." He smiled. "Anything for my girl." I couldn't help the smile that came onto my face. Taking a step foreword I wrap my arms around his waist in a hug and rested my head on his chest. Taking in a well needed breath, I let it out in a content sigh. He wrapped his arms around me and rested his head on top of mine.

We stayed like that for a little bit until I realized I probably smell like the diner. Pulling away a little I look up at him again, a small blush coming onto my face. "I probably smell like the diner, so I'm going to take a quick shower." I told him ready to turn and walk into my room but I turned back towards him and said, "Uh, you can make yourself at home while I shower." With a nod from him, I turn back around and quickly make my way into my room, grab some pj's and go into my bathroom.

Quickly washing my hair with my shampoo and body with my body wash, I step out, dry myself and get changed. When I stepped back into the living room I see Jӧrgen looking at the photos I have on my small bookshelf. I guess he heard me coming because not a second later he turns around. He looks at me for a little before glancing back at the photo and I notice it's the one of me and my family.

Taking a sharp breath I walk over to him. "That's me and my family last Christmas. Mom always made us take a family photo under the tree on Christmas morning, in our pajamas. One of the many traditions we had." I said holding back the tears. Once I was able to blink the tears away I looked up to see he was already looking down at me.

"Sorry I didn't mean to make you upset." He said in a soft voice. The softest I've ever heard him talk. "No it's fine. You didn't mean to. You see my family was...murdered," I gulped out. "a few months ago by my ex boyfriend. That's why I moved here. New start and to create as much distance away from him as possible."

It was nice to get that off my chest. "I'm so sorry Blaire." He said putting the picture back and turning towards me so he was facing me. "It's fine really. It was kind of nice to get that off my chest and besides he's in jail so I have nothing to worry about." I told him. Jӧrgen grabbed my hand and brought me over to my couch.

"You were honest with me so I should be honest with you. Remember how I told you my job is dangerous?" He asked and I nodded. "I don't want you to freak out about what I'm going to say." He paused taking in a deep breath. "I'm the leader of the Swedish mafia. Some say I am the mafia king because not only is my gang focused in Sweden it is also focused here in England." I just stared at him wide eyed trying to comprehend what he just said.

My boyfriend is the leader of the mafia. That explains why whenever he walks into the room it gets quiet and tense. "Blaire, say something please." Jӧrgen says bringing me out of my thoughts. "Sorry it's just a lot to take in." I told him and it's true. It was a LOT to take in.

"I know but I promise I'll try and keep that side of my life separate from you." I don't know why but I didn't feel scared that he was part of a mafia, well leader of one. Actually knowing he's the leader is kind of reassuring. Weird feeling I know. I'm still trying to work it out.

"You're a lot calmer than I thought you'd be. Is that a good sign?" He cautiously asked. Taking a deep breath I said, "I trust you that you'll do your best to keep that side of your life away from me."

"Does this mean you're still my girl?" He asked and I could see the corners of his mouth start twitching into a smile. I gave him a small nod and smile. That's all it took for him to lean forward and press his mouth to mine in a kiss. The kiss was shorter than I wanted. "Come on it's late and you need some sleep." He said and of course right when he said that I yawned. He smirked and pulled me off my couch.

Getting into bed, Jӧrgen followed soon after he took off his suit leaving him in his boxers and makin me blush like crazy. He pulled me into his chest leaving his arm wrapped around my waist. It didn't take long for me to fall asleep and it was the first time since my family was murdered that I really felt safe to fall asleep.

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