Chapter 16

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A/N: 1K reads!!! Thank you all. I've never got this kind of response on a story before so this is amazing. Thank you.

It's been a few days since I've moved in with Jӧrgen and went on the shopping trip and I have grown accustomed to living in a house filled with guys, guys who also belong to a world of guns, killing, violence, you get the point. So far we haven't heard or seen my stalker ex since the note he left in my apartment.

Currently I am at work. Today I unfortunately had one of those shifts that don't end until closing. Luckily I only had about an hour and a half to go. Mason and James, my personal bodyguards, as Jӧrgen had said are sitting in a corner booth as to not get in the way while also keeping an eye on me.

Due to the late hour it's really only me and the cook left working. My boss didn't need more than one waitress and the cook working seeing as there isn't much business this late.

Smiling as the couple left the diner, I sighed in relief since they were the only ones in here and now their gone. Going behind the counter I bent down to grab a rag and the table cleaner when a loud popping sound went throughout the diner shattering a cup right where my head would have been if I stood up. It was then I realized it was a gunshot.

Dropping to my hands and knees, I use the counter as my shield as more gunshots went through the diner. Feeling a hand on my shoulder, I jump in surprise and open my eyes to see Mason and James right behind him occasionally standing up and taking a shot. "Hey, it's going to be okay. I already called Jӧrgen and he's on his way." Mason said looking me straight in the eyes. "Now, can we get out through the back?" Mason asked.

All I could do was just stare at him wide eyed. How can he be so calm about this. People are shooting at us! "Hey now." I vaguely heard him say as he waved his hand in front of my face. Slowly, all of my attention went on him. "I'm going to get you out of this. James and I are going to get you out of this. That's what we're here for." He said and all I could do was nod. "Now is there a door in the back?" He calmly asked.

Not trusting my voice I nodded. He turned to James and they spoke but I was still too shocked about being shot at to listen. Mason turned back to me and said, "Alright so I'm going to be in front of you and James is going to cover our backs." Once again nodding, I waited for him to get in front of me before following. I quickly checked behind me to make sure James was there and sure enough he was.

Following Mason, we made our way into the back. Once we were in the back we were able to stand up, which I was thankful for because my knees were starting to hurt from crawling. I watched as Mason and James swept the area so skillfully, like a ninja. "Alright let's go." Mason said gesturing for me to come over to him.

Walking over to him we resumed the same position as before and we made our way to the back door. Mason nodded toward James and he went to the door as Mason stood across from it. Mason counted to three and James opened the door. Mason went outside and within seconds came back in saying it was clear.

We walked out into the alley, both of their weapons up. We were coming to the end of the alley when he came out. Antonio. (I realized I never actually gave him a name yet so here ya go.) There he is like that night I was closing up except now he had a lot of men with him and he is holding a gun. I am confused now. Why does he have so many men with him? Why does he have men in the first place?

"Do you actually think we wouldn't know about the back door?" He smirked which confused me even more. "Hello Moretti." Mason spitted out. Wait how does he know Antonio? "Wait how do you know Antonio?" I asked before I could stop myself. All eyes turned towards me. I looked up at Mason and saw he had a look of confusion on his face. "How do you know him?" He asked.

"He's my psychotic, stalker ex boyfriend. He killed my family." I mumbled to him making him widen his eyes. "Enough with the chit chat. Now give me my girl and I might spare your lives." He said so calmly it made me shiver in disgust and hide behind Mason.

Mason let out a dark laugh. "She's not going anywhere with you." Now it was Antonio's time to laugh. "Oh I think she is." He said and in a second he raised his gun and shot Mason. Everything from there went in slow motion. The only thing I hear in my head are my screams as Mason falls backwards and into me. As carefully as I could I rested him on the ground. Blood seeped out of the wound on his chest making it really hard to get it to stop.

I'm about to rip off some of my shirt to try and stop the bleeding but I was being picked up from behind. Looking back I come face to face with Antonio. No no no no!! "Let me go!" I yelled trying to get out of his grip. "Sorry princess." I heard him say before a cloth came over my mouth and before I knew it everything went black.

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